- School
- Crew practice
- See the Ting Tings!
- Finish at least one subject of homework
- Run errands
- Watch SNL
- Set-up for filming
- Film some opening shots
- Brew coffee for filming
- Filming, 1pm
- Finish homework
- Complete at least 1 supp
- Revise college essay again, print off copy for scholarship thing
- Watch Desperate Housewives @ 9pm
- Age of Innocence reading
- Hero reading
- Write Oedipus paper conclusion
- Edit Oedipus paper, and print off (or email?)
- email Pook to find out method of turning in paper
- Finish Anatomy WS
- Edit Chinese project
- Script IHW creative project (if time)
- Read 'Apotheosis' chapter for Hero, and plan presentation on it (if time)
- See at least one movie (Whip It or Toy Story)
- Watch Thursday's Grey's Anatomy
- Sleep in
- Recover from the deadly flu of doom
- Clean out car
- Buy stuff for psych box
- bake something (a cake or pie)
- Burn a certain CD for a certain someone's birthday (you know who you are :) )
- Edit carpool videos
oct 3 2009 ∞
oct 11 2009 +