june 24th, 2022: sad again?; por que coisas de adults são tão caras; god my internship is so Boring; a jjk date with my gfs; wrote a bit after a long while!

june 23rd, 2022: natalia! julia (gama)!; o fogao chegou; arrumei o quarto;  brasil vs servia; Ainda cansada; me perdi; me estressando com trabalhos; left wnd right te amo jungkook

june 22nd, 2022: jogo do brasil HORRIVEL; isabela foi querida Sad; mob psycho; was so tired slept really early

june 21st, 2022: pouty they dont wanna watch mob100 eith me; mob psycho with debora \(^○^)/  started reading Aracelli meu amor and having Thoughts; carol :(

june 20th, 2022: shownu my beloved; taehyung; fazendo o roteiro de edição

june 19th, 2022: evando meus pais pra um lugar suspeito!; vendo barquinhos e comendo moqueca; te amo akutagawa; updated jjk and bsd; a longass and very nice talk with my gfs; and another one with debora; cold and  cloudy; First kill with hel and talitha

june 18th, 2022: an AWFUL volleyball game; my parents are coming!!!; lorenzo my beloved; oh no im already tired of them; comendo num barzinho;  yumi's cells with michelle

june 17th, 2022: oh my god oh my god taehyung; started watching yumi's cells with michelle!!; JIMIN SEM CAMISA

june 16th, 2022: another day hanging out at home with Them; playing the sims with deboras; Jungkook the cutest jungkook my beloved; read

june 15th, 2022: pensando em propor Projetos; Natalia the cutest; triste que gastei dinheiro; brasil vs tuquia;  hide querendo me carregar pra festa; flustered bc of a pretty girl; reunião do janela

june 14th, 2022: feeling kinda sick; saindo a toa e pegando o onibus errado; chá de alho; hamburger; finished watching ofmd;  bts announced their hiatus fml

june 13th, 2022: fui elogiada no estagio!!; me and vicc besties; doing laundry; one piece  and pizza with Her; theory of love with cami and debora

june 12th, 2022: it's ny birthday!!!; im loved; jungkook loves meeeee; staying in with my friends; quase fui sufocada

june 11th, 2022: a lot of people in my house; being dolled up; kissed a pretty girl; Drunk; pessoas cantando parabens pra voce no meio da rua

june 10th, 2022: comprando coisa de suco sem açucar; a geladeira e a internet chegou; segundo dia de estagio!! agora tenho coisas pra fazer!; bored arrumando a casa; going out with Them; hot doggies

june 9th, 2022: goodbye hostel; moving in with debora!!; shopping with Her; fazendo chaveiro;  primeiro dia no estagio nao fiz nada; Indo pra casa da vó de debora; Chorando de rir com sasuke calvo

june 8th, 2022: acordando no susto com o voluntario novo chegando; Moody; last day at the hostel!!; FIZ UMA TATUAGEM;  going out with Povo do Hostel; igor falando que gosta de mim e eu fingindo que nao vi

june 7th, 2022: jimin de first draft te amo querido; chocolate quente com a fran;  HOBI NO LOLLAAAAÀ;

june 6th, 2022: alucinando com a aranha; lucas is gone

mar 3 2022 ∞
aug 12 2022 +