thank you, []

  • Pick a book of poetry, and create a piece of art based on every poem. Continue until you’re done. Then pick your favorite one, and reinterpret it in another medium.
  • Make yourself a playlist of songs and noises that get you in the creative mood.
  • Make an inspiration board on Pinterest or make a physical inspiration board and post it in the area where you do most of your creative work.
  • Take things from one medium and transfer them to another. For example, is there something about film-making that you think is super cool? a specific technique? write a short letter arranging the words and thoughts in a way that mirrors that technique.
  • Light a candle while you’re working, and light that candle again every other time you’re working. Your mind may make a connection between the scent and the work process.
  • Open a word document and write the first 10 words that come to mind. ask someone else to write another 10 words. Pick one word from your list, one from theirs, and try making something based on the connection (or lack thereof) between those two words.
  • Do a 30 day challenge (or just google “creativity prompts” then do some of them).
  • Collaborate with a friend. Have them to do part of the project, then you do the next part, then them, then you, so on.
  • Find two artists with very different styles, and try to make something that combines the best of both styles. Try to make something that combines the worst of both styles.
  • Work at it every day. Even if all you do is stare a blank canvas for two hours trying to come up with something to paint, what you’re doing is getting in the mindset to create/work.
  • Change the way you talk about yourself. Instead of saying “I used to be creative, but I’ve lost all my inspiration” say “I haven’t created in a while, but I still have creative energy in me and I will get it out eventually”.. It’s harder to be creative if you’re already telling yourself that you’re not.
  • Take care of external factors. Depressed? Stressed? Overworked? All those can block creativity. Take care of your health first, always.
  • Research artists that you like and what their artistic routines were. Some artists only worked standing. Many (myself included) need at least one cup of coffee to work. Different people find creative energy in different ways, and there’s no harm in checking out what has worked for others in the past.
  • Don’t try to make good things, clever things or even impressive things. Just make things you think you’ll have fun making.
  • Try guided meditation with a focus on positive affirmations about your creativity.
  • Paint in your mind. I say paint because that’s where I first heard the concept, but it applies to pretty much every medium. Instead of actually writing a story, playing a song or drawing a picture, simply go through the motions in your head. Whenever you see something like, compose something about it in your head. Don’t think about making a tangible version of it. Just focus on doing it in your head.
  • Spend a lot of time alone with your thoughts. Take a break from doing things, and simply focus on being. Watch where your mind wonders. Take notes of your worries and interests. All of this is creative. All of this is important.
  • If you can, travel. Even if you’re just traveling to a new part of town, changes of scenery are great inspiration. If you can’t, looking at pictures online is still pretty inspiring (not as good of course, but still good).
  • Try remaking an old piece and see what happens.
  • Observe and study as much as you can. Study things in your artistic field, but also out of it. Fill your mind with knowledge. Read many different kinds of books (or watch informational tv if reading is not your thing. Try podcasts. Whatever you enjoy most). Observe trees and clouds. Pay close attention to how beautiful and weird the world is.
dec 27 2014 ∞
jul 6 2015 +