from here
- Suggest a question for the 5,000 question survey:
- What's your preferred form of artistic expression (writing, drawing, musicianship, etc...)?
- Name one thing that's overrated:
Name one thing that's underrated:
- Are the beatles overrated?
- Do you smoke? if so, what brand?
- Why do you choose to listen to the music you listen to?
- Does music these days suck?
- Are personal ads acts of desperation?
- Have you ever been/are you a vegetarian?
- Who are the three most important musical artists in your life?
- do you find it disrepectful when contemporary musicians cover older ones?
How about when people attribute the writing of these songs to the bands that only covered them?
- Do you believe in arming civilians?
- Do you find desolation and darkness sometimes beautiful?
- If you were drafted to fight in Afghanistan, would you willingly and proudly go?
- What is people juice?
- Isle or window seat?
- What is your Favorit Simpsons character?
- Have you ever been to Mexico?
- Are people that wear glasses more or less attractive?
- What sucks more, a Mini Van or SUV?
- Are the days of writing and mailing letters lost?
- What do you think about right before you go to sleep?
- Do I ever cross your mind - anytime?
- Have you ever solved a Rubix Cube?
- Why is everyone so emotionaly and spiritually dead????
Are YOU??
- What can you feel BURNING UP inside your head?
- What life experiance do you have?
- Have you ever hit rock bottom?
What was that like for you?
- Are you self destructive?
- Are you very extreme?
- Are you completely full or do you feel empty?
- Can you turn the whole world inside out?
- Are you potentially a criminal?
- Where is your PASSION??
- Why do we hide our souls?
- How many times have you lied today?
Did you just lie to that question?
- Do you always notice when you are lying?
- Do you think that lieing is so built into our culture that we can't help it?
- What are fighting against?
What are you fighting for?
Why aren't you fighting?
- Give the following things a rating. One is compltely normal, ten is completely crazy/rebelious.
no pircings or tattoos:
pink hair:
openly discussing sex:
bob marley:
green hair:
extreme emotion:
a tie:
spiked bracelets:
- What'd you think of the grammys?
- When you see the stars and the waves crash in how do you feel?
- What do you think about under a midnight sky?
- Who are 'they'?
- Who cares what they think???
- Do you ever let them stop you?
- What would you do if there were no limits?
There are no limits. Go Do it.
- Will you dance with me?
- Will you drink yourself on the floor with me?
- Will you sleep in the streets with me?
- Courtney love or Madonna:
personality wise?
- Do you have a negative attitude towards the opposite sex?
- Can you imagine anything that would seriously improve the world?
- Have you read the book Venus in Furs?
Did it turn you on?
- Velvet Underground with or without Nico?
- Is there any similarity between what eminem is doing and what manson is doing?
- Who wants to be your dog?
- Are you SURE you aren't pretentious(I've been reading SOME surveys that sound pretentious to me)?
- Can you understand and express subtle and complex ideas?
- Is writing akin to thinking for you?
- What do you imagine it feels like to be a member of the opposite sex?
- Bowie's Outside, can you tell who the murderer is?
- Are you a bad banana with a greasy black peel?
- What do you think of the Atkins diet?
- 'If it bleeds, I will fuck it'
How does that make you feel?
- The greatest shock rocker of all time is:
The most pathetic shock rocker is:
- Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, or Red Dragon?
- If Dr Lechter were to visit you what would you do?
- Who is your favorite director of movies?
- What is Kubrick's best film?
- Fill in the blank as if you were speaking. I don't want anybody else. When I think about _ I touch myself.
- Are you overly confident and blinded to your own fraults?
If you were you probably wouldn't know the extent of it.
King Crimson?
Emerson Lake and Palmer?
- Do you write your favorite bands on your clothing?
- Are you wild and crazy?
- Do you party like River Pheonix?
- What is it that you still are hiding?
- How attractive is a girl is a suit?
How attractive is a guy ina dress?
- Why is it more acceptable for a girl to dress like a guy than for a guy to dress like a girl?
- Why is being a girl seen as somehow something LESS than being a guy?
- What are three things you value?
- What are three things you normally do that go against those values in some way?
- Name three things society in general values?
- Name three behaviors that society accepts as normal that go against those values?
- Name three highly specific things you look for in a potential mate?
- Who is the basis for your comparison when choosing a partenr?
- Have you ever given someone multiple orgasms or received them yourself?
- The older generations thought the beatles were hip. Now they think today's music is shocking. What could music evolve into that people might find more shocking ten years from now?
- Do you have any motives for your actions other than anger and lust?
- Would you be more likely to rape someone or to kill someone?
- What have you read by James Baldwin?
- Can you read Naked Lunch straight through in one sitting?
- Are you a snob?
If yes, in what regards?
- Fill in the blank. _ is all there is.
- Is common sense dead?
- Are you unapproachable?
- Are you the kind of person strangers like to talk to?
- Do social interactions enerize or drain you (in general)?
- What's the longest you have ever gone between sexual encounters?
- Compare John Lennon and Kurt Cobain: