from here

  • The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. But what was the question?
  • Suggest three new diary circles that you would find interesting:
  • Buttons or Knobs?
  • What is a juggalo?
  • Are you a fan of Crass?
  • If you were going to write a short note to yourself and then put it away and read it in ten years, what would it say?
  • When someone does something that is wrong do you believe that they know in their hearts that they are wrong but they push it down into their subconcious and rationalize away their guilt?

When have you done this (if you say never then you are doing it right now)?

  • How can a person have sex with someone they don't love?

Have YOU ever?

  • What are the paradoxes in your head (that is when you believe two conflicting things to be true)?
  • What does each set of two words suggest to you?

pale gravity:

little mornings:

spiritual machines:

eccentric being:

pray attention:

yellow lectures:

  • What movie would be AWESOME in 3D?
  • Why is it important to write and think clearly?
  • A girl and her boyfriend are hanging out. It is obvious they are together. Another guy schmoozes between them and starts hitting on the girl. The boyfriend tells this guy to back off. The guy just keeps bothering the girl.

Do you think the boyfriend would be justified in hitting this intrusive guy?

A girl and her boyfriend are hanging out. It is obvious they are together. Another GIRL(lesbian) schmoozes between them and starts hitting on the first girl. The boyfriend tells this girl to back off. The girl just keeps bothering the first girl.

Do you think the boyfriend would be justified in hitting this intrusive girl?

If you answered yes to one situation and no to the other one why the double standard?

  • What do you think of the name Prue?
  • What would you spend your last dollar on?
  • Have you ever won an ebay auction?

If yes for what?

  • Would you like it if Blockuster had a drivethrough??
  • When was the last time you taught someone somthing and what was it?
  • Why do adults and teens not understand each other?
  • Are you afraid?
  • Do you trust large drug corporations?

Do you trust the Food and Drug administration?

  • If a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound?

Do you define sound as sound waves or as the reaction between the soundwaves and your ears?

  • Who is full of shit?
  • Four of the five senses are routed through a special area to the brain. One sense goes right to the brain and so is a powerful sense involved with memory and emotion. Which sense do you feel this is?
  • Are you on a ship of fools or a carousel?
  • What is your bathing suit like?
  • Whose line is it, anyway?
  • Are you more likely to answer a signed in note or a nsi note?
  • To be or not to be. That is the question. What is the answer?
  • Does beauty exist as a defineable standard or is beauty in the eyes of the beholder?

Why do you think it is that so many people have the same idea of who and what is beautiful?

Where do your standards for judgeing beauty come from?

  • Would a war with Iraq help or harm american economy?
  • What is the first thing you would do if you saw a nuclear explosion in the distance?
  • Would you like to be cryogenically frozen?
  • Think of the person you love the most.

Would you be willing to murder a stranger in order to save that person's life? Why or why not?

  • Imagine no possetions. I wonder if you can?
  • How messed up is:

your hair?

your room?

your car?

your life?

  • What are you running out of?
  • What do you live for?
  • How did you decide it was worth living for?
  • Do you consider some people to be too:





stuck up?










  • By what criteria do you judge others?
  • Do you look at people's words and actions or the underlying reasons for those words and actions?
  • Which would you rather collect:

simpsons action figures?

kiss gear?

anything with a smiley?

horror movies?

  • Do you fight for your rights?
  • Would you rather be a construction worker or a crossing guard?
  • What is enought o satisfy you in life?
  • Do you think you have more, less, or average life experiance for your age?
  • Why go to college?

Have you considered joining a cult instead?

  • What's the last lie you told?
  • What celebrity has the sexiest voice of



  • You are having a party and can invite three celebrities of your choice. The WILL come. Who do you invite?
  • Where did you come from?

Where are you now?

Where are you going?

  • What would you imagine the playboy mansion is like?
  • Do you blow your nose loudly in public?
  • Do you help others every day?
  • Bono or Chris Tucker?
  • Is it lonely being alone in your head?
  • What is the worst poverty you have ever seen?
  • Has anyone ever told you that more than 2 billion people live on less than two dollars a day?

What do you think of that?

  • Add a sentance to the story:

Once upon a time there was a man named Arthur and he was brushing his teeth when all of a sudden he saw a bright rainbow utside. So he goes out the back door to take a look and he finds an elf who says

  • Be honest.. do you generally listen or wait for your turn to talk?
  • How many fingers do you type with?
  • What does 'you think you know but you have no idea' mean? Where did it come from as a common phrase?
  • Do you think it's important to give up liberties in order to protect freedom?
  • Do you think George Bush was elected in a legal way?
  • Imagine you were dying of a only had a certain amount of time left with your mte, parents or children. What would you leave behind for them to remember you by?

How would you feel if there were drugs to help you live, only you couldn't afford them?

How would you feel if people were trying to sell you the drugs at a lower cost but the drug companies made sure they couldn't because that would cut their profits?

This senario is going on Right Now.The country is Africa. The disease is aids. The drug is azp (and others). The people are Africans who are very poor and have aids. The large drug corporations won't sell the drugs at a price they can afford or allow smaller companies to either. Is this acceptable?

What are you going to do about it?

  • Would you ever BUY a new ring for your cell phone that plays a couple of notes of your favorite song?
  • What has completely moved you?
  • If for your next birthday you had a novelty kids birthday party what games would you play at it?
  • How can you keep open toed sandles from rubbing against your toes and making them blistered and raw?
  • What happens to socks when they disappear in the drier?
  • What is the quality of humanity all about?
  • True or false - All homophobes are inherently evil.:
  • Is there anything, besides love, that money can't buy?
  • How is your soul?
  • What are you committed to?
  • Are you photogenic?
  • Can you define these words off the top of your head as if you were talking to someone who didn't know what they were?





  • Why aren't you naked (or are you)?
  • Do you think anoyone is all good or all evil?
  • Go outside a sec. how many animals are in your yard?

Did you count yourself?

why or why not?

  • What household appliance drags you down?
  • try this..write a list of six possibilities of things you could do after you are off the computer. Make sure that at lease ONE thing is something you would be unlikely to ever do.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6

Now grab a dice (if you have none ask someone to pick a number between 1 and 6) and decide what you will do by flipping it. Then do it!

  • Which of the following doesn't belong with the others and why?

a. garden

b. love

c. magazine

d. death

  • How old are you?

What age do you feel mentally?



  • Who do you think is more wise:

your mailman


a person who has been living on the streets for 12 years?

  • Do you kiss on the first date?
  • Would you ever want to be oon:

a dating show(which)?

a game show(which)?

the news(why)?

  • How much money would it take to get you to:

strip to nuthing but a bright orange thong (for guys, orange thongs an string bikini top for girls)and wrestle another person of the same sex in a thong in a pool of jello?

participate in a contest where you drink alcohol as fast as you can until you puke?

sit absolutely still for 2 hours, in nothing but a towel, covered in plaster of paris?

Walk around at your school in bondage gear asking people to spank you on the ass with a huge dead octopus tenticle?

pick your nose and eat it?

smash potatoes with your head?

  • Who deserves an appology?
  • What wins the award as stupidst lyric you can think of?
  • Where do you most like to be massaged?
  • Is your face clear?
  • Finish this phrase in a humorous way.. Friends don't let friends...
  • What present would you bring to the birthday party of an aquaintance?
  • Is your game on?
  • What would a song for the deaf be like?

How about a painting for the blind?

  • What is a sure-fire way to get noticed?
jan 5 2011 ∞
jan 5 2011 +