• I am obnoxiously indecisive.
  • I am terrible at multitasking.
  • I apologize just as much for being wrong as I do out of etiquette. I'm not irritating about it, but I can be. It depends on the situation.
  • I can be really impulsive when making decisions, which may or may not mean spending money I shouldn't spend.
  • I can be seen as annoying, loud, and clingy or harsh, rude, and distant. It depends.
  • I can have the tendency to interrupt because I lose my train of thought easily.
  • I can't pretend to agree with people I don't actually agree with, even if it would make my life easier, or my friends/family/coworkers' lives. I don't give up on arguments when I know I'm right. I'm really stubborn when it comes to this, I can't just let it go. Keeping my mouth shut and just letting them believe they're right is foreign to me. This makes a lot of my relationships become tense at some point or another.
  • I cuss a lot when I'm frustrated.
  • I don't know what to say in situations where people I don't know are present. I completely clam up.
  • I have a hard time keeping secrets because I am an open person and I never keep my own, so if you tell me a secret, I might accidentally tell it to someone because I forget what's supposed to be secret and what's not. I think everything should be in the open, so it's really easy for me to forget if you've told me not to tell something.
  • I have a lot of issues with my family.
  • I have a really particular sense of humor. I won't laugh at crude humor.
  • I have a tendency to start talking like the people I'm around.
  • I rarely think before I speak.
  • I sometimes point out other people's flaws without thinking about it, just from observation. This can hurt feelings, even though I never mean it to.
  • I sometimes talk for others. If I'm in a group of friends and Friend #1 asks Friend #2 a question that I know the answer to, I will answer for them without even giving them the chance to respond. This can be seen as extremely annoying, and I don't like that I do it. I don't do it on purpose, so it makes me feel really bad. Hard habit to break.
  • I talk a lot of shit about things I want to do, but I'm usually so afraid of failing that I never get started.
  • I try to be patient, really, I do. Sometimes, however, it's just not going to happen.
  • I'm passive aggressive about keeping my room clean. Sometimes I hang up the laundry, sometimes I leave it in the hamper.
  • I'm terrible at explaining things.
  • It's not common for me to walk around other people's feelings when I talk. I can be blunt when it's not appropriate.
  • It's really hard for me to not be bothered by things that really bother me. "Don't let it get to you" does nothing for me.
  • No second chances with me, even if I forgive you. You lie, you cheat, you're out. That's it. I will never trust you again. (I don't consider this a flaw but... some might because some people "deserve second chances". Well, I don't deserve to be put in a situation where I get hurt by the same thing twice. No.)
sep 11 2010 ∞
aug 10 2013 +