- a good score at work despite how bad I thought it was going to be
- aldi selling GIANT jars of salsa for $1.69?????? oh my god I am so happy
- all of my family members sending me separate birthday cards in the post, they are so cute
- all of the street lights turning green just as I arrived to them on my way home
- Allison sitting next to me at the meeting
- almost being caught up with ZeXal II
- almost finishing Fahrenheit 451
- Asa’s face, wow I love that face
- being able to fall asleep in the back seat of my car for 2 hours during the 6 hour break between work shift and meeting (I didnt want to drive home and back to work and home again, its a half-hour drive and gas is expensive…)
- being able to hang out with Ink more ;_; watchin ZEARU and eating dinner/having desert together and goin’ to the store like FRANDS (this could be expanded into 30 things too just trust me Im super tomodokis /starts to cry)
- being alive and trying and having so many nice things in my life even though I suck and Im impossible and life is really hard
- being ship soulmeeto’s with Ink, it is so good
- Bianca wishing me happy early birthday!!! yells
- birthday in two days awwwoowowoooo!! ;W;
- buying a pair of tongs finally so I can make salads without suffering
- buying ice cream that I’ve wanted for a while
- buying my first avocado *w* (growing obsession hi hello)
- buying myself a piece of raspberry lemon cheesecake for early birthday omedetous ;-; it was delicious aruuuu
- Catherine offering to pay the gas for me to visit home 8’( what a nice, I wish I could
- celebrating 6 months with Reba
- cleaning my room really well
- cleaning out my car a little
- cleaning up the apartment a bit
- cleaning up the kitchen a bit
- coworker Allison saying that she broke her now-ex-boyfriend’s nose after he drunkenly slapped her at a party a few nights ago. she has refused to take him back or even consider it, that’s fuckin’ right
- cranberry juice with lime
- customer fella with super good spider hands yesterday, what a handsome
- Deanna, all of her
- decent, steady shifts / getting along with coworkers
- diet cherry 7-up
- doing a somewhat-collab with Ink! so much fun (stress)
- drinking a shit ton of tea (hot and iced)
- eating after all
- eating well enough yesterday
- Einzel’s GREAT birthday art! thank youuuuuu
- Emily being alive
- Emily surviving every fucking day, thank you
- Emily’s life and presence on earth
- even though they’re for the wrong reasons, getting a lot of compliments on my name from customers (literally always middle-aged women)
- everything, despite everything
- feeling okay
- FINALLY making a decent score at work yesterday (I did so bad all week jesus christ)
- finding the perfect pair of blue jeans that fit my average waist, nonexistent ass AND jello thighs, praise glory hallelujah this is a lifetime first
- finishing Fahrenheit 451
- finishing Heart of Darkness
- finishing ZeXal I
- friend getting engaged!!!!!! so excited for her
- getting a card from HB in the mail!!!!!! with!!!!!!! a b&n gift card!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!!! Im gonna throw up from excitement oh my god thank you thank YOU THANK YOU fUCK
- getting a few extra hours in this week
- getting a full tank of gas for the first time in forever and purchasing a car wash for the near future
- getting a great score at work
- getting a ton of sleep
- getting birthday money from parents ;; nice
- getting good scores at work
- getting into Zexal II with Ink
- getting leftovers from workkk so good
- getting scheduled another 5 day week
- getting to and from my car safe every day
- getting to hear Reba’s voice over the phone
- getting to see Reba’s super amaze sculpture for class, dang (you guys will get photos soon I imagine)
- getting to talk briefly to Shea and Reba
- getting to work on time
- getting to work on time all the days
- getting to work on time and driving safely in the snow
- getting to work on time every day with no trouble!
- going into work early to eat and add to dokilist
- going to the gym for the first time this month, for fuck’s sake
- going to the gym three days in a row
- good scores at work
- good scores at work all my shifts
- handsome customer guy with the last name Rooks coming into work again! aww ye
- having a decent close, even though I didnt make score
- having a decent nap today
- having lunch
- having the money to pay my phone bill and my third parking ticket :I
- HB having some better days ;;
- Hb’s successful meetup???????
- HB’s super haircut/eternally handsome face
- hearing my grandpa’s voice after a week or so of not speaking to him (wow I miss him a lot)
- how much better water tastes with lemon in it
- ink and reba helping to wake me up and all 6 of my alarms going off on time so I could get to work ahahdgdhf
- Ink being alive and my friend but especially both at the same time
- Ink being really goddamn supportive all the time
- Ink drawing me ADORABLE ZEXAL BABIES awuwuhuuahuu ;_;
- Ink encouraging me to eat
- Ink really helping me and listening to me a lot lately and just being really great to me in general ty ty ty ;-;
- Ink taking me out for birthday sushi ;-; it was delicious and just really nice aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh fuckvbingib thank you thank you Im so grateful for you and your life and spending time with me Im so amazed that miracle nakama happened and we live together (cries violently) really happy and grateful Inkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkhjghsguty4twijrewilfdjghfigju0ty6tt5irpefdgbijhbglvksdjflakdjflksjhlkjalkdfjdlskjhh
- Ink texting me this morning with well wishes and calling to ask if I wanted lemonade from the store ;-; what a nice, I am unworthy
- Ink, every day of my life, for everything, always
- Ink’s laptop being mostly okay, rly glad ;;
- Ink’s parents being decent++
- Jordan not writing down our really awful score at work today LOL good
- Josh calling me to wish me a happy belated birthday ;-; (he just found my number today slkdjf)
- Kelsey, Morgan, Kara, Talena, Bianca, Reba, Lucy, Maddie, and Shea all wishing me happy birthday, thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu
- Lemonade by Cocorosie
- lots of light snow
- lots of nice responses to my last gratitude list
- Lucy slowly but steadily getting her spine fixed ;_; hooray
- Maddie offering to play me something on her flute for my b-day ;-; I haven’t got it yet but lord I am excited (she’s gonna do Kaen from Jigoku Shoujo)
- making it home safely through all the snow
- making kool-aid (with like, half the sugar) for the first time in like 29834 years
- making progress with eating recovery things
- Milo being the most tolerant cat alive
- Milo jumping up suddenly from his nap, as if something had spooked him, and running away from the wall with my sock in his mouth sldkfjsdf
- Mimi and her fantastic self and A++ bod, dang
- Morgan and I planning an art trade!!!!!!! pumped!!
- Morgan being cute 100% all the time and working things out w/ her man aww ye ;-; happy 4 u babe
- mostly just feeling stable and having decent days and being okay
- motherfucking avocado, delicious as fuck
- my birthday coming in a week!
- my sister calling to wish me happy birthday and talk
- Natalie taking the shift ;_; thank
- not getting pinched on St. Patrick’s day :I
- not relapsing
- Orlando always texting me nice things ;-;
- Orlando skype calling me last night when I was feeling hella bad and making duck faces at me and hugging his screen ;-; Ily so good Orlando you are such a guy (dokidoki)
- Orlando’s beautiful birthday message!
- Orlando’s existence
- our new limited edition panini & muffin at work, both are delicious ;-;
- parents not bothering me at all!
- picking up the shift yesterday morning, specifically because I gave my shift today away because my back was so out of sorts
- putting more things on tumblr savior finally to try and preserve my stability, hhhh
- (re-)watching Rise of the Guardians with Reba last night (buying the DVD!!)
- re-reading Fahrenheit 451
- reading One-Punch Man
- Reba calling for a minute to check on me weh ;-;
- Reba’s sugoi new outfits n makeup ahuuuu
- Rebecca making me some doodles ;w; and for being a great friend literally 100% all the time always
- remembering to move my car.. .. ..
- Remote coming into the circle of enlightenment regarding Shark’s throttling homosexuality
- Remote offering to write me a thing!!!! holy jesus I am so spoiled
- renting/watching Wreck-It Ralph
- rollin around in b&n for a while
- root beer floats
- Ryan composing a small piece for me for my birthday!
- sam adams, dang it’s good
- sgggggggggggklkh;lgs everyythiniggfafidgdgh
- Shea drawing/writing SUCH A THING for me for birthday, awooooooooooo ;_; oh my god it was so great thank YOU
- Shea sending me a photo of St. Augustine ;-; pretty (I hope you’re enjoying your vaca!!!)
- Shea sending me a White Day gift ;-; cute
- sitting on the landing and having lunch with Milo in the sunshine ;w;
- sitting on the landing with Milo for a while this afternoon and enjoying aforementioned sunshine with him
- sleeping a ton
- starting another goofy collab w/ Ink
- starting James and the Giant Peach
- staying up until 8 AM talking w/ ink about sharkbait feelings
- sunshine, sunlight, etc.
- taking myself out to dinner despite overwhelming anxiety
- talking to Lucy for a long time last night
- talking to my grandpa finally after a week of phone tag
- talking to parents briefly ;-; they’re sending me cards in the post
- talking to Ringo after a week of absence! ;;;;;;;;; weh
- talking to Shea again for a while
- talking to Shea for a while today about recovery stuff
- talking to Shea on the phone for almost 2 1/2 hours the other night mannnnnnn that made my LIFE I love you Shea xoxoxo
- Target selling my fav blue corn tortilla chips 2/$5 HOLLA
- the Misfits original score
- the nest episode of zexal JESUS (s it enouuugh to love is it eNOUUUGH TOOOO BREATHE, SOMEBODY RIIP MY HEART OUUUT AND LEAVE ME HEEERE TO BLEED.mp3)
- trying Kraken rum for the first time! strong as fuck but delicious
- TTG’s entire existence in the world (and also their smokin’ hot bod, wowza)
- using a coupon to buy crystal light drink packets, made a shit ton of lemonade (I have been craving lemonade so bad lately, I am so happy)
- using HB’s giftcard to buy James and the Giant Peach, The Mostly True Story of Jack, and Ender’s Game oaWUauwAU tHANK YOU!!!!!!!~ 1!!$!1!$%^
- watching all through season 2 of ZeXal omg I could make like 20 items on this list regarding this fucking show but I won’t Im just grateful OK trust me
- watching more Samurai Champloo
- watching/surviving more zexal with Ink
- what a fucking devastating anime zexal is, jesus christ (it hurts so good I just ahhdshggjadghsclkj)
- zexal babes followin’ me back, thanks ;-; Im a really shit blogger but ty
oct 22 2013 ∞
oct 22 2013 +