- Astral. I love every actual thing about Astral. So much.
- being able to get Sky, Rowan, and Jay tiny Christmas presents ;;
- buying myself a super cheap but really nice new ring!!
- celebrating 3 months with Rowan!!
- counting stars by onerepublic
- Deanna’s super babely existence in general, but also sending me the most amazing nail varnish and Jack Frost fanart poster and the sweetest Keep Trekkin’ card and everything ever what a SWEET PACKAGE wow I am so honoured and I just get mad dokis every time I think about it thank you so much wow
- doing a collab and trade with MonkTonk!! uuuuu senpai
- doing a collab with Mokuba and EVA! ;w; thank u so much
- everyone posting incredible selfies always, you are all super perfect gorgeous amazing, cries
- feeling so much better all the time. so much better, so much. I cannot emphasize how much better I feel.
- getting a new library card!
- getting both of the kitties fixed for vair vair cheap! c:
- getting most Christmas cards made and sent out (almost done!)
- getting my hair back to a colour that I actually like finally!!
- getting together with Jay ;w; buuuuu
- getting together with Skyler!! <33333
- going to Bennigan’s with Shinya for the first time and eating the most delicious quesadilla and Blue Moon brews
- having a good meeting with my therapist and discussing my progress and such!!
- having the most almost-sober Thanksgiving yet!! so proud of my family, we almost did it
- Kelsey celebrating a birthday!!
- Lucy arriving safely to the US and having a wonderful time with their fella and experiencing the great american frontier ;w; so happy for you babe!!
- Lucy graduating!!! Im so proud of you baby!!
- making tart cherry scones at Shinya’s place! they were bland but making them was really fun
- meeting Yuuma, Bekutan, Mokubean, Otsu, Numi, and Aura ;; everyone is a perfect angel baby sweetcake and I am so grateful to have such good, adorable, supportive new friends
- Mich’s sheep pajama pants!!!! SO CUTE
- mum buying me $30 worth of sushi X__X THANK U
- my kitties being adorable and loving and safe and helping me cope with life so much somehow
- my therapist saying that she doesn’t see me being on medication forever ;; that makes me feel good
- not biting my nails in 3 days, huuuu (that’s a long time for me…)
- not having a panic attack in the grocery store when I practically threw a gallon of milk across the self checkout and it exploded everywhere
- Olivia, Tori, Moto, Chloe, and Meshimoon’s incredible art alksdjalkdgjg thank you so much for blessing this fandom
- rewatching some good films that I haven’t seen in a while
- rocky road ice cream
- Rowan’s partner loaning me the money to pay back Ink so they didn’t have to wait anymore.. OTL I am so grateful it’s physically painful. thank you so much oghmmhhhhhh
- Shea’s gorgeous amazing wonderful being, thank u so much lord
- Shinya buying me a Deathly Hallows sweatshirt and an “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good” button, hhhnnnggh thank u
- Shinya giving me some of her dresses!!! they are so cute and they actually fit TTwTT
- Shinya looking goddang cute in EVERYTHING
- sweater weather by the neighbourhood
- taking my brother to get his driving permit, he passed and drove my car and I am so proud uwaaahhh!!
- Thayo’s existence, bless u
- the zexal cdc sprites!!!
- trying marzipan and taro mochi for the first time
- world market milk chocolate sea salt caramels
dec 8 2013 ∞
dec 9 2013 +