and the first week of November
- all of the presh babies walking around pier park on hallowe'en!!!!!! oh my GOD THERE WERE SO MANY CUTE KIDS (SCREAMS)
- all of the safe and completed car rides I've taken throughout this time
- anxiety being more or less manageable
- Asa celebrating a birthday and not being a teen anymoreeee!!!
- being well enough to job hunt, even though it hasn't brought about anything
- browsing around in BAM for a while
- celebrating 2 months with Jan
- Chloe's sweetness for texting me and checking on me periodically and their INCREDIBLE ART!!!!!!!!!! god
- Claudia celebrating a birthday!
- cleaning out my blog of all the useless shit
- deanna being the babe of my life 24/7/365 and rockin it through all the stress
- discount hallowe'en candy
- discussing things and patching things (somewhat?) up with HB
- drawing hijacks again after a forever hiatus-- one of which got 300 notes?!?!?!!?!?!?
- Emily being alive and surviving despite how hard it is gsjdhjgksdjf
- EVERYONE for being so immediately accommodating to my name change, thank you so much ;; sob
- everyone's kawaii hallowe'en costumes ;;
- everything forever
- filling some fanwork marathon prompts for the frick of it and getting good feedback for it
- getting a really cute 2014 planner
- getting Christmas cards ridiculously early so I can start working on them ridiculously early in an attempt to send them out on time for once
- getting smashed with Shinya at Ugly's and then eating apps at Friday's on hallowe'en night
- going on a spontaneous road trip with shinya up to the smoky mountains
- going to a Huddle House for the first time
- going to seaside for the day with shinya in the really nice weather and seeing all the shops and looking at books and taking photos and having a root beer together and going down to the beach and not caring about anything
- having enough money for food, esp. food that I like and care to eat
- Ink celebrating a birthday and being alive and continuing to VASTLY improve at art at record-breaking speeds gauagsfuhgauf
- Jan looking SO FINE, SO FRESH, all of the time forever always eternally in every instance
- Jan showing me In Bruges
- Jan's gay vampire story sldfalkjdglkglkh
- Kelsey and I chatting periodically
- kitties getting big and being adorable and everything ;w;
- lana del rey's "ride"
- lucy, my incredible baby, for working so hard and being so close to graduation!!
- Maddie celebrating a birthday and being a COMPLETE ANGEL CAKE and offering to build me a bear to cuddle at build-a-bear ;; SWEET and for being so fucking cute as a person wow what a cute
- making a dent in the enormous debt that I owe
- my car being okay after all even though several of the maintenance lights came on at random
- my hair getting longer and longer all the time, yesssss
- my weight stabilizing at 210 lbs
- not becoming obsessed with playing candy crush saga, thank u lord
- not hating how I look in all of the pictures we took
- not hating my body anymore for the most part
- Olivia's killer colouring skillzzzzz dang ;;
- ONION BAGELS, dang them things are good
- Orlando and I chatting periodically
- participating in zexallowe'en, it was so much fun and I got so many asks, I was surprised!! it was amazingggg
- polararts. god dang their art just. please
- Reba and I sort-of reconnecting after a while of friendship intermission
- seeing live elk in the wild!
- seeing the mountains, rivers, streams, foliage changing colour, everything ever
- severe depression being gone, minor depression being mostly gone
- Shea for working so so so so so hard and almost graduating!! YOU'RE ALMOST THERE LOVELY, YOU CAN DO IT!! I BELIEVE IN YOUUU oh my god I wish I could go to your graduation I would rip a vocal cord hollering
- shinya being supportive to me always and leaving the house with me when I got really uncomfortable one night and couldn't stand to be in the house
- shinya looking SO CUTE in my blue wig holy frick
- slowly getting obsessed with coffee, it's a good thing
- starting to form a better relationship with Jim!!! what a perfect baby angel
- staying in a really decent hotel while we were in NC
- strawberry banana greek yogurt
- talking with Rebecca more lately, god I love that woman
- thayo. thayo's art. it is my favourite. it is so fucking cute.
- the amazing space tervis cup that shinya bought me ;_____; it's so cute
- Tori for being a sweet baby all the time
- trolling in forever21 with shinya
- visiting a Ben & Jerry's shop in the flesh!
- visiting Gatlinburg, going to Shoney's and having good food
- walking around pier park in my hella babely hallowe'en outfit
nov 9 2013 ∞
nov 9 2013 +