• aww no baby. idk what i can do!!! im really bad. but i want you to know that even though we havent talked for a while i still think about you and worry about you, and that youre really important to me!!! and youre important to a lot of people. because youre caring and fun and creative and wonderful. and most of all youre strong so i know you can get through this. im not the best at giving advice but if u need to unload i will ALWAYS listen ok. cause i love u man. (Morgan)
  • But you DO deserve this good thing because things have been super super shit since April and you’ve kept a brave face and you’ve put up with bullshit and most!! importantly you haven’t given up. You’ve kattobanged through these past few weeks, some hours more kattobang-y than others, and I want you to know that someone noticed. That you’re doing a good thing for yourself and you should keep going on your adventures in getting better! So just this once, since things are gonna get harder before they get better, because you are my important friend, I wanted to do this. Of my own volition, in sound mind and mostly sound bank account. Because if you’re not gonna recognize how much you deserve good things, I will. (Shea, on pre-ordering the YGO STARS book for me)
  • ellioooot is the patootiest. Do your best todayyyy <3 (Mich)
  • elliot you are a sweet and wonderful and loved person and i hope you feel better tomorrow because it makes me sad when you dont feel good, squeezes u (Morgan)
  • Good morning! I hope you have a wonderful day and remember to love and appreciate yourself. Because you are a person that deserves love (Talena)
  • Hello love. You are a lovely charming and beautiful person, without you the world I sure to be a much duller place, I mean how would anyone survive without the ability to see your gorgeous face. Don't deprive me and the world of the brightness and charm you bring to our lives. If you wish to care for others you have to first care for for yourself. So sweet pea do what makes you happy and show us that lovely smile (Ale)
  • hey you! i just wanted to wish you the best <3 miss you bunches (Mal)
  • Hey, it's good to see you back. Just wanted to say that I hope you're doing alright and if you ever need anything that I could conceivably help with, let me know. Even if you just want someone to vent at and everyone else is asleep, haha. All the best. (Remote)
  • Hi. I miss you. And I'm sorry you are feeling this way and not like the pity sorry but more like the I wish I could help sorry but I feel the same way half the time so in all honesty anything I said would be hypocritical. But just know I still read your posts and stalk your life and I'm still here even though we weren't that close and I care and you aren't any of the things you think about yourself in my eyes. (Basia)
  • Hugs your noggin you can come talk to me and stuff when you’re upset you know. I’m sorry you were feeling bad but TODAAAY IS A NEW DAYYYY the world is your oyster, we can even buy canned oysters or something and I’ll make us oyster pasta. Treat yourself well and give yourself a hug okay because I know that it’s hard to deal with things and feelings on your own but it’s a process and you’re moving forward and I’m really proud of you because I know you’re trying and I know how hard that is. Don’t beat yourself over the ups and downs you’ll climb the whole mountain eventually. If there is anything I can do except word vomit awkwardly please let me know. Internet squeeze from across the tiny apartment. (Sarah)
  • I just want you to know that whatever happens, I'm cheering hard for you and I have no hard feelings over anything that's happened -- what's important now is you, that you take good care of yourself. Okay? Hope you have a good week. Hugs you gently and affectionately. (Einzel)
  • I love you so so so much. Thank you for the messages last night! I'm doing a bit better after another restless nights' sleep, although I think my decent mood might be from all of the ZeXal I just watched...? Anyway, you are THE BEST EVER and I feel so incredibly fucking lucky to have your friendship and just... thank you for being an amazing person forever and always. I love you and you mean so much to me as well. <333 I hope today is a good day for you because you deserve it! (Shea)
  • i thought you should know youre a beautiful and darling little creature (Ale)
  • I wish you luck in improving your mental health. The beginning weeks of psychiatric organization are a bit bumpy, but you should be on a better, consistent schedule very soon. Sorry for being a butt and being too shy to talk much, though I sincerely wish you the best and will always be available if you need an extra set of ears. Much love to you, Elliot. :3 (Bianca)
  • I work with idiots. I think you're cute. The end. (Kelsey)
  • Just hopping in here to give you a million hugs and say that I love you and I love your art -- and that I think of you a lot and wish you the very best everyday. <3 (Einzel)
  • kisses your forehead. elliot ty for being so desu, also you are not annoying. your "about" is a fat buncha lyin. ;; (Rebecca)
  • Pops a million hearts in here too because love you. Take good care of yourself and treat yourself better. Stay strong Elliot. ;-; <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 (Einzel)
  • Saw your post just now and: yes, please take very good care of yourself and treat yourself better. You are worth better and you deserve better. You are a lovely, brave and strong person even when you don't see that and you are somebody worth fighting for, so never give up on yourself and treat yourself with kindness, or at least try. You are wonderful and I hope every day that things will be better eventually and you'll realize just how great you are so, here are some messages and plenty of hugs and affection from me. ;-; <3 <3 <3 (Einzel)
  • Sending you good vibes and thinking of you every day -- wish I could do more, but if you ever need to talk, I'll be there. Hope your evaluation will go well tomorrow. Stay strong. (Einzel)
  • Sends you a million faraway hugs and good thoughts. (Einzel)
  • shh I know I'm supposed to be asleep, but. elliot, be good to yourself tomorrow and everyday until infinity, ok. you deserve it. also, get some rest. rooting for you. (Rebecca)
  • Stay safe, please. Treat yourself better tomorrow. Treat yourself well always. You deserve the best, and you're an amazing, wonderful person. I know you've been working really hard recently, and, if it's not out of line of me to say, I'm really proud of you. Keep moving forward. You can do it. You're great. (Lydia)
  • take care of yourself tomorrow. treat yourself right and do better tomorrow than you did today, i know you can do it. you're wonderful and i believe in you. stay safe, you deserve to be healthy and whole. good night elliot. ♥ (TTG)
  • We are sad you are not here, but Wandii, Mimi, Lys, Claudia, Mara, and I are here talking about how wonderful you are. We wish you could come to Katsu with us and be our Jounouchi but really just be our Jounouchi anytime because you are perfect. <33 (Cate)
  • Wonderful to see you feeling better can't wait to see your hair :3 (Ale)
  • You don't know me but I follow you and I read your read more and... yes, please do better tomorrow? (Or today, I guess it is.) I feel similarly sometimes also, and I know how much some support can mean. I'm rooting for you. (caladior)
  • You'll be just fine little one. Tomorrow is nothing to fear. <3 (Mara)
  • Hey Elliot, I just wanted to say I honestly, truly think you're a super neat person and I really dig you. I always hope for the best when you pop up in my thoughts and you're just super sugoi. So yeah, just wanted to tell you that and right now felt like a nifty time to do that. c: I know we don't talk much, and once my head is a further out my ass I'll definitely change that, but... you rock jsyk. I'm really happy I know you. (Asantewa)
dec 13 2012 ∞
jul 25 2013 +