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"Hell, I'll kill a man in a fair fight... or if I think he's gonna start a fair fight, or if he bothers me, or if there's a woman, or if I'm gettin' paid - mostly only when I'm gettin' paid." - Jayne, Firefly

"I am like a being thrown from another planet on this dark terrestrial ball, an alien, a pilgrim among its possessors." - Thomas Carlyle

alexithymia poetry
gratitude journal (2025)
gideon wishlist
a ~ notes (substack + other reads / favourites)

Menfolk: Good first or middle names:

  • Argyle
  • Aiden (too popular, middle name)
  • Augusten
  • Colton (too popular)
  • Corbin
  • Denoche (not if he's blonde, right?)
  • Donald
  • Duane
  • Faolán (too easily confused with 'Fallon'?)
  • Kasidhe (Kaesidhe, Caesidhe, Casidhe) (spelling is too difficult; middle name?)
  • Lorccan (Lorcán)
  • Loren
  • Maurizio
  • Mordecai
  • Nathan (Nathaniel)
  • Odin
  • Prospero
  • Roland (Rolando)
  • Saturnin
  • Silvestre
  • Wolfgang
  • Wynne
  • Vladimir

Menfolk: Only for middle name:

  • Abraxas, Aiden, Alastair (Alastaire), Alfred, Aloysius, Apolinario, Apolonios, Argyle, Arktouros, Athanasios, Casimir, Colton, Denoche, Donald, Donovan, Duane (Dwayne), Geronimo (Jeronimo), Giacomo, Guillermo, Gwyddion, Halwende, Inigo, Isaac, Joaquin, Karl, Kaspar, Lawrence, Leife (Leif), Leonardo, Lorccan, Loren, Maurizio, Merlin, Morcdes, Nathaniel (Nathan), Nikodemus, Orpheus, Oskar, Phoenix, Prospero, Reuben, Roland, Rune, Saturnin, Severus, Shahrukh, Sileas, Silvestre, Sukwinder, Telemakhos, Wolfgang, Wynne, Zaphonias.

Menfolk: I just like the way these sound:

  • Abraxas. Acair. Altaire. Ambrose. Antares. Apolonios. Antonio. Arcadio. Argyle. Astar (Astair). Athanasios. Atilla. Amadeus. Angelo. Benedict. Cameron. Casanova. Casimir. Charles (Charlie). Cody. Cole. Coppernicus. Dale. Elmo. Eugene (Gene). Forest. Gabriel. Gareth. George. Guillermo. Gunther. Harrison (Harry, Xarrison). Helios (Xelios). Hikaru. Ian. Icarius. Ignac. Igor. Infierno. Irving. Ivan. Jebediah. Jesse. Johannes. Jonas. Josey. Jud (Jed). Jude. Kasper. Lester. Levi. Linus. Lloyd. Lorccan. Loren. Lou. Luciel. Magellan. Malquiades. Matila. Marcus (Marcos). Matthew (Matt). Mauricio. Maximus (Max). Millard. Mordecai. Narcisso. Nicodemus (Nikodemos). Noel. Nolan. Orpheus. Otis. Ray. Sam (Samuel). Santino. Santos. Saturninus. Shane. Sid (Sidhe). Silas. Simon. Sirius. Soren. Thaddeus. Tim. Tobias. Vladmir. Walter. Wayne. Wyatt. Zane. Zeke (Ezekiel).

Gals: Good first or middle names:

  • Amaryllis
  • Apollonia "Pleun"
  • Astrid (Astrild, Ástrílðr)
  • Duana
  • Editha
  • Elizalde
  • Emerald
  • Flora
  • Forsythe
  • Frejya
  • Gunhilde
  • Hazel
  • Lola
  • Luna "Lulu" "Lou"
  • Marceline
  • Marlena
  • Olivia (too popular)
  • Opulencia "Opal" (middle name; no nickname, opals are associated with bad luck)
  • Selenay
  • Sibylla
  • Soledad "Sol" "Solley" "Lola"
  • Thelma (middle name?)
  • Valfrejya (middle name; "Frejya"--no; "Val"--hellz 2 the no.)
  • Violeta
  • Willow (the name of flabby, flacid nerds, horse girls and dastards? and yet of auditory splendor?)
  • Wilona
  • Wyndolyn "Wynne"
  • Zoë (too popular, middle name)

Gals: Only for middle name:

  • Adelphe. Aisling, Alastaire, Alastríona, Amaryllis, Aphrodisa, Apollonia "Pleun," Aspasia, Astrid (Ástríðr), Astrophel, Beatrix, Calixtra, Callidore, Capucine, Circe, Daphne, Editha, Emerald, Esobel, Ezmeralda, Firenze, Flora, Florentina, Forsythe, Frejya, Garnet, Gisele, Hazel, Jade, Kalliope, Llewellyn, Luna "Lulu, Lou," Luzania, Magnilda, Maple, Marlena, Marlene, Mathilda, Mathilde, Olivia, Opulencia "Opal," Oskara, Perpetua, Phoenix, Rachael, Rapunze, Ruby, Sabrina, Selenay, Seraphine, Sibylle, Soledad "Solley" "Sol," Thelma, Valfrejya, Veronique, Viola, Violeta, Vivienne, Voluptas, Willow, Winifred, Wyndolyn, Zaphonias (Zophonias, Zaphonius), Zephyrene, Zerelda. Zoë.

Gals: I just like the way these sound:

  • Adele. Adelhaidis (Adelhaid, Adelhaidia). Adelaide. Adonia. Althea. Amadea. Amarante. Amaryllis. Andrea. Aphrodisa. Astra. Athena. Bella. Belthane. Brighde. Brooklyn. Brunhilda. Camille (Camilla, Camile). Calixtra (Callie). Calypso (Callie, Kali). Caoimhe. Carina. Carmela. Carmen. Cassandra. Cecelia. Cleopatra (Cleo, Kleopatra, Kleo). Dahlia (Dalia). Dana. Daphne. Dawn. Day. Della. Dreama. Elisabetha. Elmo. Erin (Eire, Eireann, Eyrún, Eirene, Irene). Elaine. Elín (Elin, Eileen). Elvina. Elmira. Eros. Ethelvina. Eva (Evie, Evelyn, Evalyn). Faye. Fortunata. Forsythe. Garnet. Gillian (Gilleane, Jill). Guinevere. Gullbrit. Gunnhild. Gustava. Haizea. Harrietta (Harriet). Hildegard. Ingrid. Irene (Irena, Eirene, Erin, Erinn). Iris. Isis. Ivory. Ixchel (Itxil, Itzil). Izidora (Izadora). Jesse. Jodie. Johanna (Johannah, Jo). Judith. Kali. Karoline (Karolin). Kasidhe. Katherine (Kate, Caitríona). Konstantina. Klaudia. Leonor. Lillian (Lily). Liselott. Lucca. Lucienne. Luminita. Lydia. Maureen (Mauricia). Midnight. Mùirne. Narcissa. Nell (Nellie, Nelly). Nikita. Ofelia (Ophelia). Opal. Pandora. Persephone. Petra. Psyche. Resurrecion. Rhiannon. Rosabelle. Rose. Ryan. Savannah. Scarlet. Scheherezade. Severa. Sheila. Sienna (Sierra). Signe. Sigríður (Sigurðr). Sileas. Sofía. Solana. Stella!! Suzette. Tatiana. Teàrlag (Charlotte). Valencia. Venus. Veradis (Vera). Verna (Verne, Laverne, Laverna). Vesper (Vespera). Viola. Viridis. Yolanda. Zola.
feb 5 2011 ∞
jan 30 2012 +