43% explorer

  • the explorer is drawn to the unknown, whether that’s a himalayan peak or the road not taken, and have a thirst for adventure. they take journeys, not vacations
    • my core value: curiosity
    • pattern: being on the move
    • i live for: exploring the world
    • i'm at my happiest: exploring a new city/place
    • habit to break: fear of commitment
    • you might be an explorer if: you feel strong connections to an unseen world
    • my style: practical, durable, with lots of storage
    • beauty profile: “wow, i’ve never smelled something like that before,” is something you might say. you’re all about discovery and like products that travel well
    • kissing style: kissing in planes, trains and automobiles
    • dream getaway: the boldest adventurers are after new frontiers and exotic escapes
    • my idea of a good time: soaking up new cultures, taking on external adventures, and seeing anything they haven’t before
  • explorer + aries: the physical explorer. naturally adventurous, you love the thrill of new, the out-of-the-way places

28% royal

  • when the royal walks into a room, they command attention. they are the one in charge, and they enjoy reaping the rewards of their hard work.
    • my core value: power
    • pattern: being in control
    • i live for: being the boss, bein in control
    • i'm at my happiest: investing my time and money in people places and things that matter
    • habit to break: throwing money at problems
    • you might be a royal if: you love titles, entitlement and five star living
    • my style: wearing the best clothing money can buy. i like clothing and jewelry that makes a statement. gold is good
    • beauty profile: the more expensive, the more likely you are to buy. you like decadent, extra rich beauty. beautiful packaging makes all the difference
    • kissing style: the kiss on hand or cheek
    • dream getaway: the best of the best. five-star hotel, first-class service, and private jet
    • my idea of a good time: enjoying fancy restaurants, charity galas and jet-set vacations and being a master of conspicuous consumption
  • royal + aries: the confident royal. you’re a born leader

29% rebel

  • the rebel is comfortable throwing caution to the wind—and bucking the system—if that means getting their point across
    • my core value: justice
    • pattern: wild and uncensored behavior, freedom driven
    • i live for: doing whatever I want
    • i'm at my happiest: playing without rules
    • habit to break: sex, drugs and breaking the law
    • you might be a rebel if: you are known for going rogue
    • my style: sexy, edgy and badass
    • beauty profile: you like to get a reaction, and are most likely to push the beauty envelope. it’s your rules when it comes to beauty. you’re disruptive and black is your color.
    • kissing style: down and dirty
    • dream getaway: an adventure trip to thailand
    • my idea of a good time: something provocative
  • rebel + aries: the fearless rebel. always on the lookout for new adventures and unexplored paths
jun 27 2020 ∞
jun 27 2020 +