oppeness to experience 27/100 low
- traditional
- down-to-earth
- practical, conservative
- prefers traditional outlooks and technical problem-solving
conscientiousness (work ethic) 45/100 middle it's a mix between:
- spontaneous & conscientious
- disorganized & disciplined
- likes & dislikes organized plans
extraversion 73/100 high
- outgoing, friendly
- assertive
- likes working with others
- enjoys direct leadership roles
agreeableness 57/100 middle it's a mix between:
- hard-headed & compassionate
- competitive & eager to please
- proud & good-natured
- prefers competition over co-operation & prefers co-operation over competition and conflict
natural reactions 83/100 high
- experiences negative emotional reactions and feelings of anxiety
- prone to worry
- easily upset
- the factor test score furthest away from 50 - above or below - indicates the person's strongest personality trait. this personality trait is likely to have the greatest influence on your overall behaviour, motivation, values and reactions to life and work situations: natural reactions