☼ — just for a moment i want to focus on positive things about myself, no matter what they are. it might be crazy hard, but i hope it's meaningful and brings me some confidence back

  • my sense of humour. i'm not much of a joke person, i love jokes but i don't know many to tell. but i can usually make people laugh and it makes me feel really fucking good when it happens. weather it's a sarcastic remark, a quirky thought or just knowing exactly what to say in the right moments, i guess it's a good quality of mine. i laugh quite easily as well, i think, which is nice. i'm a fan of memes, especially stupid ones.
  • my eyes. i debated over putting it on the list because it seems rather superficial, but it is a thing about myself that i like, so why not? they're green, but sometimes turn a shade of blue and people always compliment them. i've had lots of people come to me and say "wow your left eye is blue and the right one is green, that's so cool". it made me end up thinking it was cool as well, so i like it a lot
  • my "conversation". i didn't know the right word to use there, but i think i'm interesting to talk to. i know a lot about random things, so you can keep a conversation with me without being weird or scared that i'll be arrogant to you in a certain topic, because i never am. and i'll never treat you badly because we disagree on something, no matter how strongly i disagree with your opinion (except if you're being racist, homophobic or talking shit about minories, then fuck you). i accept different points of view
  • i'm friendly. ok this is a sensitive one. i am quite "shy" if we don't know each other and depending on the place we're at. if we're somewhere i feel comfortable in, where i know most of the people and everything, then i'll gladly go talk to you and try to make you feel good instead of feeling excluded. but also, if i'm at a place where i don't know anyone, i might also be the excluded one cause i'm not confident enough to go up to someone randomly and start a conversation.
  • my musical taste. i might be biased, but i have a great musical taste. i love all kinds of music (ok most of them, there are a few i'm not really into). but i love recommending songs to people because i think they will like it or because the lyrics remind me of them & stuff like that. music has a big meaning to me. and also, i'll never talk shit about your music taste (& i hope you won't as well) because everyone has their own taste and who am i to judge? music is also made of experiences, so maybe a song that sucks to you has a deep meaning to me, let's not be bitches
  • my intelligence. i don't usually think of myself as intelligent, but i do think i am. i always did great in school (except for math & physics that i hated, but still wasn't shit at them as most people). and i managed to get to college (which was really fucking hard because there were about 60 people competing over 1 spot) and i'm doing so good at college that i'm proud. i learn most things by myself studying at home instead of from the teacher, although they also help a lot, and it really annoys me when i take too long to understand something
  • my strong personality. some people might think it's a bad thing, i also think that way sometimes. but honestly, i don't like people that just don't stand their grounds and say what it's supposed to be said or do what has to be done. i like having the power to say something when i think it's wrong and make a difference. i don't like to just stand still and watch everything, i like to be active. and i won't ever be fake to you, so if i dislike you, you'll know. i won't be a bitch towards you as well, but i won't fake it just because. and i think that's good in some ways because i'm authentic and true to myself.
  • i'm reliable. you can always trust me, i will never turn against you.
  • i'm loving/caring. people that aren't too close to me will say that's wrong, but i'm very caring towards people i'm close with. i show love in my own ways, if i like you then i like being close to you, spending time doing whatever.
  • i'm selfless. i'll gladly stop doing whatever i'm doing (even if it's important sometimes) just to do something with you. i don't think of myself first.
jul 11 2020 ∞
jul 11 2020 +