ranking harry's solo mvs in order of fav to least fav

  • music for a sushi restaurant
    • i thought a lot about this one, since i wasn't sure it should be 1st place, but HOW could i rank it lower? it's such a fun mv to watch and so fucking creative? genious!! it matches the vibe of the song, the message behind it is also truly important! and i just love watching it lol
  • golden
    • i'm sure this mv shouldn't be so high, especially above kiwi and adore you, BUT for some reason it's one of harry's music videos that i watch the most lol so i guess it's only fair. i don't think i can explain myself.
  • kiwi
    • i can't help being completely in love with kiwi. adore you is probably a better mv? but i remember when kiwi came out and it was so innovative. i loved the puppies and the kids like they were in a war. it's just an mv i never get tired of watching, which is why i decided it deserved to be 1st place.
  • adore you
    • this mv is pure art. i love the whole story of it, the genius idea, the way it was recorded, harry's apparent happiness in it. it's honestly so good.
  • sign of the times
    • this was released 4am and it was so different from what harry used to sing in oned that i felt really proud. the mv is just beautiful. for me this mv shows the most how much of an artist harry is, that's why it's so high.
  • falling
    • this one punches me right in the stomach. the way he just gives up on trying to breathe and just accepts that he's gonna drown terrifies me. this mv is full of symbolism, full of deep meanings that i loved finding out about
  • late night talking
    • i feel like maybe this should be higher because it's a great mv, it's fun and harry is so cute in it, but i just think i don't watch it enough? so it's my fault, the mv is a victim lol
  • satellite
    • i just love this one hahahah it's so cute? and creative? harry appears for about 5 seconds and it's still such a cutie video. the little robot reminds me of wall-e, so i guess that's why it's so adorable.
  • as it was
    • i feel like this mv has a lot of meaning (just as the others i've described as well). i love the scenes where the mv is backwards, but he's singing normaly. also the dance while they're spinning is so beautiful, but it's just not an mv i watch as much as the others above.
  • lights up
    • this mv has a huge impact on me as a harry fan, because it was the 1st one in which i felt he was finally being himself. so it has potential to be my favorite harry video, but because of the meaning. since i'm not taking it into account, just the mv itself, that's why it's here
  • watermelon sugar
    • i really love this mv, but it's low in the list because the others have more meaning to me. but this is a good one to watch when you're feeling happy, wanna dance, chill and stuff. it's quite happy and exciting to watch & i do think harry needed an mv like this as well
oct 15 2020 ∞
jul 12 2023 +