ranking louis' solo mvs in order of fav to least fav obs: i'm not ranking 'two of us' since i've watched it very few times because it just breaks my heart.

  • miss you
    • i'm just so in love with this one hahah it's so good to watch & i love the way it completely matches the lyrics of the song. seeing him drunk with his friends makes me so happy & idk. it's quite simple, but i love it
  • back to you
    • i'm aware that 'walls' is a better mv, but this was his 1st of the solo career and even though i'm not taking emotional reasons into account, this became one of my favorites because of it, so i really love the mv even if i don't count with the meaning of it. i love that it was recorded in his hometown. i just watch it more frequently than walls, so it's fair
  • walls
    • this one has so many oasis references, honestly lol. this is so artistic, also shows how much of an artist louis is, not only a singer. the mv is beautiful, the shots of him in the desert and in front of those mirrors are so beautifully made. the scene where he's surrounded by people with masks and he's smiling makes my heart stop. plus: he's so gorgeous in this.
  • don't let it break your heart
    • it's really fucking cool that this mv also tells the story that's being told in 'we made it'. also, the scenes where he's playing soccer and drinking with his friends makes me so happy ugh. oh and i love the theories that the bad "mafia" guy represents modest! hehehe but it has a happy ending!! yay
  • we made it
    • i absolutely love the shots of louis walking in the arcade with the games' lights illuminating him, it's so beautiful. i also really like the story of the mv, i love mvs that tell a story.
  • kill my mind
    • it's a good mv, just doesn't have much to it. it's basically the guy in the motorcycle & then louis singing with the band lol it's also telling the story of 'we made it' and 'dlibyh' but it's my least fav out of the 3
oct 15 2020 ∞
oct 15 2020 +