ranking niall's solo mvs in order of fav to least fav. obs: i'm not ranking 'on the loose' because (honestly) it's a song i don't like that much, so i ended up not watching the mv that much as well, it wouldn't be fair

  • no judgement
    • oh boy this mv is so fun to watch hahahah so quirky and entertaining. i have no bad words about it, sorry. if you dislike this mv, let me know what else you dislike... happiness??? & they're such a cute weird couple lol
  • heartbreak weather
    • this mv and 'no judgement' have the same vibe to me. i think this concept matches niall very well and the mvs become fun to watch lol this one is quite entertaining
  • too much to ask
    • aw this one is sad :( but i also like the vibe of the mv matching the song. it's all soft. but it annoys me that he's sad to be alone because like... bitch i'm right here, if you'd just follow me on twitter we could fix the problem
  • nice to meet ya
    • it's a cool mv and i really like it. but most of it is just niall walking in the street lol and i still try to get the scene where he goes through some mist and 4 guys appear next to him, because it's definitely a one direction symbol lol but idk
  • put a little love on me
    • i love that the mv is soft and slow to match the song. and it's also beautiful, i just don't watch it very often
oct 15 2020 ∞
oct 15 2020 +