• 1: stressville french holy shit holy shit. phew. spent real money on lunch, got free side of beans and rice woo. went home. 7" is not here and i am mad. hockey, pizza, jared's.
  • 2: ikea/moes. money, seriously? half of lotr, offices, movies.
  • 3: grams, stop & shop, prepared food & dyed eggs with carol, deviled eggs (pew but hardboiled eggs are fun to crack!), up in the air and documentaries all night woo.
  • 4: easter stuff most of the day, packed real fast, drove back to VT, did some work
  • 5: god fuck cdae so hard, worst class and I can't believe I'm paying money for it. bullshit life, bb isn't even working, fuck. SERIOUSLY A DAY OF HUGE AND HORRIBLE DISAPPOINTMENTS. can't go home, couldn't watch hockey, can't even do any of my fucking work today. COOL.
  • 6: better day, going home again, ate a lot of oranges and candy, studied brain going ded
  • 7: UHJIODJHGD QUIZZES/EXAMS. registration tomorrow and I am terrified. watched capitalism and order of the phoenix.
  • 8: got all the classes I wanted, that is all that matters. for some reason did no work all day until 11.30 pm, yep that makes sense. lost tapes is terrifying. oh yeah, RIP french class, gotta teach myself now. sadness.
  • 9: ohmygodsotired. putes to class, did RCA, got econ exam back = 94 aka I am awesome. drove back, k's car just stopped working cool.
  • 10: uhh woke up jared, napped, transplated plants for two hours with gram and carol, sucked down subway (buy one get one woo?), pianos/grown ups/boyfriends, called taylor come on christians are fucking insane/retarded 87% of the time, yeah let's get married at age 19 so we can have sex after marriage so we won't hurt jesus's feelings, GOOD IDEA. (this is going to blow my mind all year whenever I think about it.) uhh somehow spent two hours on a couch when I was so tired I really should have gone home in the first place. seep at 3.
  • 11: woke up at 12, listened to records and did econs, got burrito, went back to VT, lounged, studied for french, went to bed late for some reason.
  • 12: really just disappointed with the human race in general today. not pleased/hate everyone.
  • 13: tired. lab was good cos we just looked at flower and uvm greenhouse = heaven.
  • 14: my head's a balloon. finally did econs, started pbio studying, yeah. sick. honestly I am too drained to finish the 13th and add to this one, so let that just be how I feel cool thx
  • 15: can't remember anything besides immersing self in plant bio.
  • 16: pbio, drove home, whole foods, jareds, x files!
  • 17: record store day! spent money, mall, shoes<3, nachos, failures/nomos/ampere = ruled, paid for a 7" in quarters, ridiculous hockey and baseball games wow, seeped
  • 18: woke up, home, grams, iced coffeeees, drove back to vt, workcity aka did nothing til 11.
  • 19: went to bed at 2 and woke up at 7.30, did the rest of my exam, started outline, class, soo much iced coffee, brb spending all my money forever, stella, short nap, dinner, some pols, looked through old myspace comments and got sad, but only over one person.
  • 20: best lab EVER, great weather, vanilla iced coffee, absolutely nothing to do at work, x-files, laundry, dishes that were over a month old, homework blah
  • 21: woops. iceland wom in econ, watched hockey, yeah forgot everything else.
  • 22: no work to do, went to middlebury, got ice cream, everything was closed wtf! still very good looking, creeped around the campus, cougar party. lounged.
  • 23: lounged. x-files. hockey. made brownies. xteen<3
  • 24: uhhh sat around for a while, biked 20ish miles<333, xteen, black bean and sweet potato chili and nachos, bad boys <3
  • 25: LITERALLY DID ZERO THINGS ALL DAY. soo much x-files, some offices, realized king of the hill is on instant watch aka king life. think i attempted to do work for the first time in 5 days and failed.
  • 26: woke up late woops, class, french notes for 2 hours, did i mention yet that i'm terrified for my french oral? cos i am. hockey. you are how i ought to spend my time.
  • 27: YEP YEP YEP SNOW. lounged. x-files, library, so fucking irri cos I had a mocha, went to sleep at like 3.30, never caffeine fucking again
  • 28: class, french oral = okay, basically done with everything.
  • 29: interview, got job<3, work, got north korea book! but sigg exploded everywhere, cool.
  • 30: slothland.
apr 2 2010 ∞
may 2 2010 +