• 1: when did it even become february. records came in. sotired.
  • 2: sotired. attractive dining hall food today, brb gourmet chefs. more records. sleep before 2am?
  • 3: so many bad things today. rip pants, coffee spill, français disaster, matt, bys<33
  • 4: protein shake = instant human. good french quiz, punches are here, workingallnightandday
  • 5: JEFFEREY BEST FRENCH PARTNER<3, moe's, away we go
  • 6: bagels, french, work, precious, ded
  • 7: superbowl, vegan nachos, onion rings, pesto mayo yeee, rip colts, so tired
  • 8: bad day.
  • 9: good lab, better day. why is all my money being taken away from me.
  • 10: cleaningcleaningcleaning. it feels like friday. fucking 80 on french ruined my average. mad.
  • 11: jared is here! I am anxious.
  • 12: SO MAD DURING THE DAY COS OF DUMB FUCK PAPER. took a nap. played scrabble, got bys and raspberry lemonade, wet hot american summer, day bidet, night > day
  • 13: i can't remember. magnolia for brek, jared and i bought records, played little big planet FOREVER, ordered pizza, movie, I was sad for a long time
  • 14: didn't get out of bed til 12.30p, got delicious new moon sandwiches and went to muddys for root beerz, citymarket, carried juice up the hill, jared left, watched eastbound and down and some simpsons
  • 15: irritable.
  • 16: sad.
  • 17: so sad i do not even want to move. la brea tar pit has moved to my bed.
  • 18: sad. but better.
  • 19: class. nap. gym! better.
  • 20: blah. coffee. you can't take it with you. execution of all things<3
  • 21: I left my bed for a total of two hours. lib. pbio/cdae. I am still so fucking sad even though I don't have time to be sad cos I have so much fucking work to do. fuck.
  • 22: well whatever. I hope that you enjoy the rest of your life.
  • 23: so much work and I didn't do much of it. spent a lot of time talking to shaun. ate little, moved little. listened to rilo kiley a LOT.
  • 24: woke up at 7, blah. wrote a paper. class. SO MUCH SNOW WOW IT IS BEAUTIFUL OUT. sat in the library for 5 hours.
  • 25: I want to sleep all day and listen to magrudergrind recs. french, oh god why do I make retarded mistakes. library all day, work all night. I found out what is wrong with my keyboard!!
  • 26: went to bed at 3, woke up at 7:30. jared. YEP ECON NOTES NOT DUE TIL NEXT WEEK GOOD THING I STAYED UP TIL THREE DOING THEM. class. B on exam I didn't study for. healthy living. nap. gym. watched breathless. downloading all of courage the cowardly dog, I am so excited.
  • 27: the day I started digging a GIGANTIC HOLE that I will NOT get myself out of because I am too nice.
  • 28: bio lab for 3 hours, didn't get out of bed til 1.30pm. exhausted. i love you, i miss you, and i wish i could tell you this.
feb 2 2010 ∞
mar 1 2010 +