- love/hate
- if I could rate this entire city on Yelp, it would receive $$$$$ for everything
- like Boston, it seems to be always pushing anyone who isn't rich or a college student with rich parents out
- no one seems to be all that happy
- buses are fun during the day when it is light and you can see things
- buses are not fun when it's dark and you do not know where you are going and there are 22mph winds
- generally, people are not very good at booking shows. touring bands you want to see are often placed first.
- Sticky Fingers Bakery is actually the most wonderful place on this entire planet
- Baked & Wired has prepared me coffees that were so delicious I needed not to add sugar
- 9-5 life is stupid and depressing; no one should be made to endure such a life
- the american gallery of art is WONDERFUL: alexis rockman is stunning.
- people in DC do not love all their local bands like most people do.
- mostpeople are snobs
- bethesda, md and georgetown are essentially embodiments of connecticut suburbs (feels like home in the worst way)
- sweetgreen/chopt = beautiful salad establishments
- most of these are about food, okay
- there are no great drink/convenience stores that are open 24/7 like there are in NYC
- the metro is cleaner, nicer, and sometimes cheaper, but not as reliable as the ny subway.
- there is at least one attractive show per week that i would probably shit myself over, if it were to take place in CT or VT
- PEOPLE ARE NICER. made more friends being here a little over a month than i have from being in vt for three years.
feb 15 2011 ∞
jan 13 2012 +