◟vita and virginia's letters. (february 8)
(1928) ― "My darling, I think you are not only the most intelligent but also the nicest person I know. I shall never forget how kind you have been to me. Your Vita"
(1927) ― "Goodbye, dearest honey. Write to me please as much as you can. Yes yes yes I do like you. I am afraid to write the stronger word. Your Virginia"
(1927) ― "I wish to god I had asked you to write. I wish I knew if you had arrived, and were safe, and are well. Your Virginia"
(1929) ― "Meanwhile, how is my Virginia? I say, may I ring you up on Saturday evening? On principle, I never ring you up; but I think I'll make an exception. Between 7 and 8? You will be on the sofa, perhaps, not yet gone to bed... Your Vita"