- If I were a month I'd be: December.
- If I were a day of the week I'd be: Friday.
- If I were a time of day I'd be: Midnight.
- If I were a planet I'd be: Venus.
- If I were an animal I'd be: A dolphin.
- If I were a direction I'd be: West.
- If I were a piece of furniture I'd be: A dining table.
- If I were a historical figure I'd be: Sappho.
- If I were a liquid I'd be: French vanilla flavored coffee.
- If I were a tree I'd be: An orange tree (especially with blossoms on it).
- If I were a bird I'd be: A swan.
- If I were a tool I'd be: A fountain pen.
- If I were a plant/flower I'd be: A daisy.
- If I were a type of weather I'd be: Clear and sunny.
- If I were a mythical creature I'd be: A pixie.
- If I were a musical instrument I'd be: A viola.
- If I were a color I'd be: Yellow or gold.
- If I were an emotion I'd be: Pride or inspiration.
- If I were a vegetable I'd be: Corn.
- If I were a sound I'd be: Fire crackling.
- If I were an element I'd be: Air.
- If I were a car I'd be: A convertible Porsche.
- If I were a song I'd be: Summer Bummer by Lana Del Rey.
- If I were a movie I'd be: Call Me By Your Name.
- If I were a book I'd be: Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
- If I were a food I'd be: Pain au chocolat.
- If I were a place I'd be: Paris, France.
- If I were a material I'd be: Egyptian cotton.
- If I were a taste I'd be: Blue raspberry.
- If I were a scent I'd be: Chanel perfume.
- If I were a word I'd be: "Quixotic"
- If I were and object I'd be: No woman is an object
mar 24 2018 ∞
mar 24 2018 +