- A shed roof
- Two mirrors
- By kicking a shoe at one and by pushing Mole into another
- The slats beneath my bed
- The slats beneath my brother's bed
- A fence
- A £300 watch
- By throwing Mole under an avalanche of falling chairs
- A thick barn door
- By pushing my brother into it
- My cupboard door
- My iPod Shuffle
- My favourite Yo-Yo
- By misjudging the length of string and smashing it on the floor
- Three door handles
- By swinging on one, by pulling one out and by pushing John into another
- My brother's Action Man Jeep
- By pushing it down the stairs
- The wall in my bedroom
- Two table tennis rackets
- By holding them like a twat
- Three Nintendo 64 controllers
- By throwing them across the room
- An expensive planetary pointer sign (possibly)
- By making Uranus point at my anus
- A metal shelving unit
- By putting objects onto them
- An oven door handle
- Two lights
- By kicking footballs at them
- A large section of an allotment
- By smashing them up with bamboo sticks
- My brother's bedroom window
- A bathroom sink
- A friend's carpet
- By dropping a piece of paper I'd set on fire onto it
- The electric circits in Mole's garage
- By kicking a football against a plug socket
jan 16 2011 ∞
jan 16 2011 +