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"To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
An eternity in an hour.."

25. female. a dreamer.
very much of these lists serve a personal purpose, but you're welcome to try and make sense of and identify with their content. =)

lisa travel (memorable locations)
andrea names (top girl)
names (Top 50 favorite boy names )
names (Top 50 favorite girl names )
  • "THAT is the best seating available?! humph..... Well, I guess I'll take those." (But I'm going to be really reluctant about it because it is clearly your fault I didn't get my ass in to purchase tickets for a high-priority event much sooner and you should learn your lesson from my upset.)
    • or, "There isn't anything closer. No? Nothing? Are you sure? .......Nothing?"
  • opening the conversation with: "WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" (so let me scream at you to make up for my auditory failure)
  • "Is this the Weidner Center?" / "Is this the 'Weedner' Center?"
  • "Are you familiar with the Weidner Center?" (No shit, hey?)
  • "How much are tickets for this highschool basketball tournament hosted at a university stadium? SIX dollars? THAT IS OUTRAGEOUS." Yes, I set the price at six dollars just to smite you. Contact your child's school with price complaints, our office didn't set them.
  • "I want some tickets. (waits for response)" (Great. For what? How many?)
  • blahblahblah "Performing Arts Center in Appleton" blahblabber
  • because I don't understand your vague fucking question and ask you to please repeat it I am "incompetent" and "who the hell do I work for, anyway?" Hostile much? (This one actually made me cry in front of other customers.)
  • "Scott Walker paid $30 million dollars for a software upgrade for your ticketing and you can't even work the system--tell your boss to hire someone who can be trained." Yeah. Scott Walker, who isn't in office for another three months sure as shit did pay as much as the total operating budget for the entire university (tenure salaries included) for the system. How did you know? PS- first sale on the system, no tech support...shit happens, dude.
aug 27 2010 ∞
dec 19 2010 +