"In the vast expanse of promises, you once assured me that your absence was just a temporary interlude, a brief pause in the symphony of our connection. You pledged to return, to bridge the gap between us once more. However, as time unfolded its relentless pages, your echoes became distant whispers, and your assurances morphed into silent betrayals. I waited, clinging to the hope you left behind, reaching out for the mirage of your presence. Yet, you eluded me, slipping through the fingers of my yearning hands, leaving only the residue of unanswered questions and unfulfilled promises. The farewell I bid, innocently thinking it was but a chapter's end, transformed into the cruel finality of a ghosting, an abandonment that lingers in the hollows of my heart. The ache persists, a poignant reminder of the love that evaporated, leaving behind the haunting shadows of your unfulfilled words."

dec 23 2023 ∞
dec 24 2023 +