• My dad was almost swallowed up by a tornado today
  • i wish i could go to sleep and wake up as a new person every day, having no idea what they're like, or who they're close to or anything, but i'd have to make that singular day as a specific person relevant. I wish i felt that way with my life now, i don't.
  • i just adore hearst castle, like the entire idea of it just implodes my imagination, i keep having dreams about it. i need to re-visist that place soon. the thought of california and hearst castle and that entire area makes me cry, it's so beautiful, and that's cliche, but it's true, that's why people love clifornia so much, there's some grande, enormous aspect to it that really grasps onto people and doesn't let go ever
  • i refuse to go to school tomorrow, i'm going to go to grannny white with toby, and to the library, and walk around my neighborhood in my robe again like i did this summer, i don't think i have anywhere else to go other than these places, i don't know if that's a good or bad thing
  • jumblbling up words and sentence structures is a terrible feeling when you're trying to convey something very abstract and already difficult to understand. i wish i was more eloquent.
  • i want to travel again all the time like i did this summer and be a nomad, you're never completley connected to anyone or anything, but these people and places remain in your head, so you are still, in a way, tied to these past experiences. it's all a little fuzzy in my mind how to convey it, but i like the feeling, it's comforting and hollowing at the same time
  • i love the desert, you could just run and run forever and never touch anything living, that's just a wonderful thought, it's a sea of arid, dry landscape that's infinitely larger than you could ever hope to be. just magnificent.
  • god is nature, it needs nothing else to prove it's existence
  • maybe i should make lists of shit to do, but i like listing thoughts more
jan 21 2010 ∞
jan 21 2010 +