list icon
  • #1 - There's a 99% chance you're awesome. Act like it.
  • #12 - Except to meet your soulmate every time you walk through your door. One day, you will.
  • #23 - Live every day like you're Glen Coco
  • #39 - Don't do shit to be cool. Do shit because you're cool.
  • #45 - You don't listen to enough music.
  • #49 - Do something for the first time every day.
  • #51 - If you're walking in a group of three and there isn't enough room for all of you, walk in front of them, not behind them. Alpha as fuck.
  • #55 - Your favorite song +
  • #56 - Confidence is always key, regardless of what situation you're in. If you believe you've got swag, so will everyone else.
  • #71 - Don't take out your frustrations on people who are there for you. No one should be punished for being your friend.
  • #73 - As soon as you realize that you fucked up, admit it. It's hard to do, but everything will be ten times easier.
  • #78 - Calm the fuck down.
  • #87 - Being nice to people you aren't a fan of isn't being fake. It's called growing up.
  • #91 - Insulting other people to make yourself look good is counterproductive.
  • #93 - You never know what'll happen tomorrow. Carpe the fuck out of this diem.
  • #95 - Show everyone just how rad you are. There's nothing as rare as someone who isn't afraid to be themselves in front of the entire world.
  • #107 - Be the rock your bros can lean on and they'll do the same. No one is strong all of the time, but together you'll get through it.
  • #119 - No matter what mood you're in, no matter what kind of day you had, no matter where you are, smile.
  • #125 - Remember, persistence. Anything that comes easily in life is probably not worth doing.
  • #129 - Grammar is sexy.
  • #134 - Since it's impossible to not make mistakes, make the best mistakes possible.
  • #137 - Mustaches are legit. If you can't grow a mustache, make sure your personality has one.
  • #139 - Be so rad that if you got shot today, it would be an assassination.
  • #140 - Stay positive, bro. There's a reason facebook doesn't have a 'dislike' button.
  • #143 - Be outgoing. No one's looking for someone whose only traits are 'sad' and 'shy'.
  • #148 - Call people out on their bullshit immediately. There's too much of it in the world already. It's verbal pollution.
  • #150 - You'll surprise yourself with what you're capable of. If you bite off more than you can chew, fucking chew it anyway.
  • #155 - You're way too cool to stress over your ex.
  • #160 - Why are you waiting for people to validate you? The first person that should say you're awesome is yourself.
  • #165 - Life's freaking awesome, but not if you're too afraid to enjoy it. Don't be afraid to leave your stoop, stoop kid.
  • #174 - You can kick ass. You can make excuses. But you can't do both.
  • #175 - Why not?
  • #184 - Happiness is attractive. Brooding to be "dark and mysterious" isn't cool, regardless of what you read in Twilight.
  • #186 - Don't take anything for granted.
  • #191 - There's at least one person who likes you exactly for who you are.
  • #194 - It's ok to have an opinion, but don't be a dick about it.
  • #208 - There are more people that look back wishing they had done something then there are that wish they didn't.
  • #209 - Give it a shot, dude. You never know what (or who) is going to change your life.
  • #210 - Smile at your haters. You may as well be casting avada kedavra on them.
  • #212 - Watch what you say. You might not be able to take it back.
  • #216 - If you don't have anything nice to say, you should probably just shut the fuck up.
  • #220 - Never be afraid to risk looking stupid in order to do something awesome.
  • #225 - Treat everything you do as if there's no fucking way you can fail.
  • #228 - Regret is way worse than rejection.
  • #230 - Karma's a bitch, especially if you are.
  • #235 - Never pass up the opportunity to give a random and unprovoked compliment.
  • #236 - If anyone trusts you enough to lean on you, don't let them fall.
  • #241 - Everyone gets nervous, but not everyone can be a badass regardless. Be one of the few that can.
  • #245 - Nothing's impossible. That word is just an easy way of saying something hasn't been done yet.
  • #246 - stfu and do it.
  • #249 - Why are you upset? There's so much to be happy about.
  • #250 - Always go big. Don't even think about going hime.
  • #255 - Don't let it break you. No matter how bad things get, life will go on.
  • #258 - It's only awkward if you make it that way.
  • #261 - You were born with the ability to change someone's life. Don't waste it.
apr 24 2011 ∞
apr 24 2011 +