• Paul the Psychic Octopus - He predicted World Cup winners before passing away at age two.
  • Lucy Temerlin - The saddest story I've ever heard. She was a chimp raised as a human.
  • Peter/Pierre Brassau - The avant-garde modern art monkey.
  • Harriet - A Galapagos tortoise collected by Darwin himself (probably). She was the third oldest at 175 years old.
  • Old Bet- America's first elephant and was shot by a farmer.
  • Albert II- First monkey in space.
  • Kanzi - A bonobo that can speak English. Amazing!
  • Laika- This dog was the first animal in orbit, but died during the flight.
  • Dolly - This sheep was the first cloned mammal. (Fun fact - Named for Dolly Parton because the cells used were mammary.)
  • Castor and Pollux - Elephants served to Parisians.
  • Fu Manchu - A super sly orangutan.
  • Annabelle- The painting elephant.
  • Operation Acoustic Kitty - CIA espionage cat that was promptly struck by a taxi cab.
  • Koko and her kitties - The world famous signing gorilla.
  • George the lobster - He was liberated fom City Crab & Seafood restaurant, NYC at 140 years old.
  • Alex - An extremely bright African Grey Parrot (Avian Language EXperiment)
  • Guinefort - A French greyhound saint of infants. 
  • Little Irvy - A traveling sideshow, frozen sperm whale from 1967.
  • G.I. Joe - A war hero pigeon.
  • Punxsutawney Phil - Much beloved weather predicting rodent, although he's only had 39% accuracy. I still have my fingers crossed for an early Spring though.  
  • Mike the Headless Chicken - Whoa.   
  • Giant Octopus - It lives under the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.
jan 23 2011 ∞
nov 11 2014 +