• Xiphorus maculatus - red wagtail, blue rainbow, & golden twin bar platys
  • Gyrinocheilus aymonier - Albi the gold asian algae eater
  • Poecilia velifera - marble, silver, silver lyre tail, black, black lyre tail mollies
  • Ancistus temminickii - Ringwold the bristlenose plecostomus
  • Notable individuals (deceased): Neko, Mopey Dick, Cecil, Ringwold, Spotted Dick, Pebbles, Bam Bam
  • Notable groups: Cave kids, stumpside, Bridgeside, Pagoda lurkers, fry in the nurseries,
  • Notable individuals (living): Corky, Blondie, Albi, Ginger, Malcolm, Délicat, Swimmie, Malcolm, Split-fin, Nefertiti, Sir Ringwald the 2nd
jan 5 2013 ∞
feb 4 2013 +