A strange subdivision of Linnaeus's Regnum animale
- Hydra
- Rana-Piscis (a South American frog, Pseudis paradoxa)
- Monoceros (unicorn)
- Pelecanus: (pelicans)
- Satyrus
- Borometz (Scythian Lamb)
- Phoenix
- Bernicla (barnacle-goose tree)
- Draco (a snake body, two feet, and batty wings)
- Automa Mortis (death watch beetle, Xestobium rufovillosum)
- Manticora
- Antilope
- Lamia
- Siren
Later in Amoenitates he added other strangeness
- Homo troglodyte (cave dweller)
- Homo ferus (four-footed, mute, hairy, feral children)
- Juvenis lupinus hessensis (wolf-boys)
- Juvenis hannoveranus (Peter of Hanover)
- Puella campanica (Wild-girl of Champaigne)
- Homo monstrosous (agile and fainthearted, the Patagonian giant, the dwarf of the Alps, and the monorchid Hottentot (This last one is not a fave, it's racist!))