Planetary nomenclature from First Nations and Native Americans of Cascadia on Rhea.

  • Talapas (crater) - Chinook - Coyote, creater of many places and things.
  • Yehl (crater) - Tlingit - The great raven, creator and cultural healer.
  • Yamsi (chasmata) - Klamath - Lodge of the north wind where creator god Kemush slept during creation of the world.
  • Hano (crater) - Nuxalk - Goddess of education, knowledge and magic. She manifested as a shaman so she could teach the people.
  • Amotken (crater) - Salish - Creator deity, wise and kind old man.
  • Xowalaci (crater) - Joshua - creator god.
jun 18 2014 ∞
jun 18 2014 +