1,001 movies you must see before you die. covers films from 1900s to 2023.
list | letterboxd tag | tracking since 2020
- ↺ chinatown, roman polanski (1974)
- grave of the fireflies, isao takahata (1988)
- the lighthouse, robert eggers (2019)
- monos, alejandro landes (2019)
- ↺ blade runner, ridley scott (1982)
- ↺ back to the future, robert zemeckis (1985)
- vampyr, carl theodor dreyer (1932)
- ↺ blade runner 2049, denis villeneuve (2017)
- ↺ the evil dead, sam raimi (1981)
- let the right one in, tomas alfredson (2008)
- under the shadow, babak anvari (2016)
- an american werewolf in london, john landis (1981)
- le samouraï, jean-pierre melville (1967)
- fantastic planet, rené laloux (1973)
- irreversible, gaspar noé (2002)
- jaws, steven spielberg (1975)
- 2 or 3 things i know about her, jean-luc goddard (1967)
- ↺ rashomon, akira kurosawa (1950)
- tenet, christopher nolan (2020)
- ↺ avengers: endgame, anthony & joe russo (2019)
- ikiru, akira kurosawa (1952)
- ↺ arrival, denis villeneuve (2016)
- ↺ seven samurai, akira kurosawa (1954)
- ↺ throne of blood, akira kurosawa (1957)
- ↺ the lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring, peter jackson (2001)
- ↺ the lord of the rings: the two towers, peter jackson (2002)
- ↺ monty python and the holy grail, terry gilliam & terry jones (1975)
- ↺ the lord of the rings: return of the king, peter jackson (2003)
- ↺ the matrix, the wachowskis (1999)
- dersu uzala, akira kurosawa (1975)
- ↺ young frankenstein, mel brooks (1974)
- ↺ skyfall, sam mendes (2012)
- ↺ ran, akira kurosawa (1985)
- dune, denis villeneuve (2021)
- a.i. artificial intelligence, steven spielberg (2001)
- poltergeist, tobe hooper (1982)
- the girl with the dragon tattoo, david fincher (2011)
- akira, katsuhiro otomo (1988)
- ↺ the terminator, james cameron (1984)
- ↺ the dark knight, christopher nolan (2008)
- dangerous liaisons, stephen frears (1988)
- ↺ blazing saddles, mel brooks (1974)
- the host, bong joon-ho (2006)
- ↺ gravity, alfonso cuarón (2013)
- ↺ bram stoker's dracula, francis ford coppola (1992)
- ↺ top gun, tony scott (1986)
- stand by me, rob reiner (1986)
- the vast of night, andrew patterson (2019)
- e.t. the extra-terrestrial, steven spielberg (1982)
- ↺ the shining, stanley kubrick (1980)
- saint maud, rose glass (2019)
- ↺ black swan, darren aronofsky (2010)
- ↺ collateral, michael mann (2004)
- ↺ the rocky horror picture show, jim sharman (1975)
- ↺ avatar, james cameron (2009)
- taste of cherry, abbas kiarostami (1997)
- ↺ kill bill: vol. 1, quentin tarantino (2003)
- ↺ solaris, andrei tarkovsky (1972)
- oppenheimer, christopher nolan (2023)
- barbie, greta gerwig (2023)
- ↺ mad max: fury road, george miller (2015)
- ↺ oldboy, park chan-wook (2003)
- talk to me, michael & danny philippou (2022)
- a trip to the moon, georges méliès (1902)
- repulsion, roman polanski (1965)
- ↺ scream, wes craven (1996)
- ↺ nosferatu, f. w. murnau (1922)
- killers of the flower moon, martin scorses (2023)
- the boy and the heron, hayao miyazaki (2023)
- aftersun, charlotte wells (2022)
- poor things, yorgos lanthimos (2023)
- ↺ amélie, jean-pierre jeunet (2001)
- ↺ the farewell, lulu wang (2019)
- ↺ avengers: infinity war, anthony & joe russo (2018)
- dune: part two, denis villeneuve (2024)
- ↺ the big lebowski, joel coen (1998)
- ↺ little women, greta gerwig (2019)
- ↺ terminator 2: judgement day, james cameron (1991)
- ↺ fight club, david fincher (1999)
- ↺ hell or high water, david mackenzie (2016)
- ↺ clueless, amy heckerling (1995)
- ↺ alien, ridley scott (1979)
- ↺ stalker, andrei tarkovsky (1979)
- the great train robbery, edwin s. porter (1903)
- the naked gun: from the files of police squad!, david zucker (1988)
- ↺ the adventures of priscilla, queen of the desert, stephan elliott (1994)
- ↺ the princess bride, rob reiner (1987)
- the muppet movie, james frawley (1979)
- ↺ dumbo, ben sharpsteen (1941)
- un chien andalou, luis buñuel (1929)
- meshes of the afternoon, maya deren & alexander hammid (1943)
- ↺ 2001: a space odyssey, stanley kubrick (1968)
- ↺ crazy rich asians, john m. chu (2018)
- ↺ mad max, george miller (1979)
- ↺ aliens, james cameron (1986)
- independence day, roland emmerich (1996)
- ↺ total recall, paul verhoeven (1990)
- mirror, andrei tarkovsky (1975)
- ↺ spirited away, hayao miyazaki (2001)
- ↺ the handmaiden, park chan-wook (2016)
- hold me while i'm naked, george kuchar (1966)
- ↺ the cabin in the woods, drew goddard (2011)
- ↺ wall·e, andrew stanton (2008)
- ↺ the jungle book, wolfgang reitherman (1967)
- ↺ toy story, john lasseter (1995)
- ↺ snow white and the seven dwarfs, david hand (1937)
- ↺ pinnochio, sharpsteen, luske, kinney, roberts, hee, ferguson, & jackson (1940)
- sherlock jr., buster keaton (1924)
- dead ringers, david cronenberg (1988)
- ↺ edward scissorhands, tim burton (1990)
- frankenstein, james whale (1931)
- videodrome, david cronenberg (1983)
- ↺ tetsuo: the iron man, shinya tsukamoto (1989)
- freaks, tod browning (1932)
- viy, konstantin ershov & georgi kropachyov (1967)
- i walked with a zombie, jacques tourneur (1943)
- the thing, john carpenter (1982)
- what ever happened to baby jane?, robert aldrich (1962)
- bride of frankenstein, james whale (1935)
- ↺ dracula, tod browning (1931)
- the wolf man, george waggner (1941)
- suspiria, dario argento (1977)
- the unknown, tod browning (1927)
- ↺ get out, jordan peele (2017)
- ↺ the silence of the lambs, jonathan demme (1991)
- ↺ candyman, bernard rose (1992)
- black sunday, mario bava (1960)
- ↺ the blair witch project, daniel myrick & eduardo sánchez (1999)
- the fly, david cronenberg (1986)
- the wicker man, robin hardy (1973)
- seconds, john frankenheimer (1966)
- the bird with the crystal plumage, dario argento (1970)
- the kingdom i, lars von trier (1994)
- ↺ airplane!, jerry & david zucker & jim abrahams (1980)
- come drink with me, king hu (1966)
- bridesmaids, paul feig (2011)
- häxan, benjamin christensen (1922)
- ↺ memento, christopher nolan (2000)
- nostalgia for the light, patricio guzmán (2010)
- ↺ birdman or (the unexpected virtue of ignorance), alejandro gonzález iñárritu (2014)
- ↺ parasite, bong joon ho (2019)