being alive is like there's something i don't want to do but then i do it and it's okay. there's something i don't want to do but then i do it and it's okay. there's something i don't want to do but then i do it and it's okay. there's s

i also think intelligence is way too glorified and its seen as like the pinnacle of human worth when traits like compassion and goodness factor way more into our actual decisions+interactions.

a big part of being happy is being excited. be excited for everything - making a cup of tea, decorating your future apartment, seeing a friend again, falling in love unexpectedly, the next episode of a show you like, finishing something stressful, buying something you’ve been saving up for, a new album, sunsets, traveling, road trips, and the feeling of going to bed after a long day. think of something to be excited about and daydream about it often when you’re sad.

no one tells you how much of life takes practice. not just writing, painting, running, singing, etc, but practicing how to make friends. how to make the right ones. getting practiced at how to be a good friend, a good sibling, a good person. practice identifying when people haven’t earned that. learning to recognize your right to rage and, eventually, how to offer mercy. so much of life is muscle memory, and i’ve begun to realize there are so many more parts of ourselves to flex and stretch and strengthen than those we’re taught in anatomy lessons.

being alive is cool like u get to smell flowers!! see ur favorite person smile!! drink hot chocolate!!! sing along to ur favorite song!! look at the stars!!!!! bake cookies!! attend concerts !!! and idk THAT is cool man!! so cool.

you must remember that healing comes from the work. you cannot just sit on the idea of healing and expect yourself to feel better. what are you doing to nourish yourself? what are you doing to progress? what are you actively doing? yes it’s important to think on it all and create a game plan but eventually you’ll have to actually get in the game. a blueprint doesn’t build a house.

Uma coisa que aprendi nos últimos anos é que é preciso tentar mesmo com medo do fracasso. Não adianta esperar o momento perfeito, sermos perfeitas, a tentativa tem que vir antes, ela faz parte de qualquer processo de vitória. O fracasso é inevitável. Sem tentativa é certeza .

True self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake, it is making the choice to build a life you don’t need to regularly escape from. — Brianna West

My whole life I’ve been telling myself, ‘don’t be afraid’. And it is only now that I’m realizing how stupid that is. Don’t be afraid. Like saying, ‘don’t move out of the way when someone tries to punch you’ or ‘don’t flinch at the heat of fire’ or ‘don’t blink’. Don’t be human. I’m afraid and you’re afraid and we’re all always going to be afraid, because that’s the point. What I should be telling myself is ‘be afraid, but do it anyway’. Live anyway.

feb 1 2020 ∞
oct 28 2022 +