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i am the blood of the dragon.
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(current daydreams)
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things i love━
well written software
the adrenaline of kissing someone new
the physical satisfaction of hitting a new pr
the sensation of turning the pages of a well loved book
the first sip of a hot cup of tea
walking through fresh snow
hitting the 50% mark when reading a book
a long deep conversation opening up to someone you haven't before
clean sheets and towels
the first sleep in my own bed after a long trip away
falling asleep to the sound of rain pattering on the roof
the ephemeral giddiness of being drunk and happy
getting something right after many failed attempts
the sound of waves crashing on the beach
the physical exhaustion (in a good way) at the end of a long hike
driving at night with the windows down, blasting music
being complimented on something i'm proud of
the soreness after the first day back at the gym in a while
finding a cool new pint glass while visiting a new place
the clack of long nails on my keyboard and phone screen
wearing heels that make a sound
reading a book in front of a fireplace
the smell of fresh nail polish
watching snow fall from indoors at night and waking up to a fresh coating of snow on the ground
the feel of freshly shaved smooth legs
waking up in the morning next to the person you love and feeling safe and warm and loved
folding warm laundry in your lap
the sigh of relief after finishing an interview you've been stressed about
blasting music on the drive home with the windows down
finding the perfect item in the right size and color at a thrift store
the feel of cashmere against the skin
the boost of confidence from wearing well fitting comfortable clothes
when you change something about your appearance and someone notices and compliments you
when a restaurant meal is big enough for two meals
when a package comes earlier than expected
the gentle comedown post orgasm
the feeling of pride on completion of a cut or mass
when gym lighting hits you just right and you look super jacked
getting a whiff of your perfume throughout the day
reading a book on the lawn in the sun
the exuberance of trying something new and having fun while doing it
on a solo trip and beholden to nobody and nothing
holding hands with a partner walking down the street
the feeling when the wheels of a plane lift off the ground
snuggling somewhere cozy
having a conversation with someone from a completely different culture
camping under the stars
getting out of the shower to warm towels
the relief of signing an offer after a long job search
the wind whipping in my hair with the windows down
the smell of sunscreen and sweat at the beach
golden hour on the drive home
when your skin is really soft after moisturizing
clear skin after finding the holy grail of skincare products
the way new makeup makes you feel
the freedom of living in your own place
falling colorful leaves in autumn
the fresh smell of the air after rain
a beautiful sunset and perfect conditions after hunting for them at a specific photo location
solo road trips through the mountains
getting the perfect photo in camera and blowing it up on a screen and it's still perfect
finalizing an edit you love
a fire crackling in the fireplace
being wine drunk
trying a new perfume that smells fresh and clean
a clean git log that's clear and easy to follow
working through a coding problem and finally having the lightbulb moment
checking things off your todo list
walking out of the wax place feeling like a hairless cat
the first time having sex after a long time of not having it
sloppy drunk kisses when you can't get enough of the other person
morning yoga and cracking joints
fresh manicures
making it down a run without falling
skiing in fresh powder
being under budget in a category at the end of the month
finding a new fragrance that smells amazing
the freshly waxed feeling
the wind whistling in the trees before a storm
having a conversation with the people at the perfume counter at the mall and impressing them with your knowledge
having your hair washed at the salon
budgeting and seeing a bunch of green funded categories
finding the perfect find while thrifting
giving someone a genuine compliment and they're being surprised and flattered
snow that touches your tongue with cold
lying on your back in the snow with fresh flakes falling on your goggles
the physical exhaustion after a day of skiing
a hot tub or bath soak after skiing
ditching work and pretending adult responsibilities don't exist
a fantasy audiobook on a snowy drive
spending time with a friend you haven't seen in a while
finally getting my code to compile and pass all tests after hours of work
cool crisp air on my face as a storm blows in
rainy days snuggled under a blanket
wind whipping my hair skiing down the mountain
the self satisfaction and joy of pushing myself out of my comfort zone
when someone pays you a genuine compliment that shows they were paying attention to the things you do and say over time
having a big savings buffer in case of emergency
the feel of typing on a custom keyboard
meeting new people
the turning of the seasons
feeling heard and listened to
birds chirping in the trees and the sun is shining on my face
the pure unadulterated joy of feeling truly and deeply alive in a moment
first dates
the slow build up of sexual tension with a new partner
reading a good book and getting so engrossed in it i forget my surroundings
a clean run of the pipeline with all unit tests passing and a clean lint check
the smell of sunscreen and sand at the beach
daydrunk on the beach
deep conversation while tipsy with a friend
confident people with a strong sense of self
swimming in the warm ocean
clothes that make me feel good about myself
the smell of old books
a great jacket that fits just right
fancy cocktails
tree lined streets
meeting strangers in bars and getting a glimpse into their life
a well turned phrase
the sheer joy of completing several well executed turns in a dance
smirks across a crowded room
"i heard this song and thought of you"
the sides of legs touching in the back seat of the car
"i saved you a seat"
comfortable silences
falling asleep together on the couch
inside jokes
perfect fitting ski boots
kayaking on a lake with a gentle breeze blowing across the water
brunch with friends and everyone tries everyone else's food
farmer's markets
finding a new song to overplay to death
hikes that are challenging but within your experience level
introducing old friends to new friends
doing errands with friends
the feeling of climbing a new grade for the first time
being able to follow all the moves someone leads while dancing
good dance chemistry with a partner
finally paying off your credit card to 0
people you instantly click with
people who text the way they talk
when people can teach you something patiently, respectfully, and without being condescending
driving home and the fog is rolling up towards the car in whisps
long night of dancing out late
when one of my plants puts out a new leaf
the weird will we/won't we when flirting with a friend
the first bite of dessert brought to the table
snow swirling under a street light
sunsets or sunrises so good they make you tear up
watching a sunrise with an inversion rolling in
wearing a new piece of clothing
seeing a rainbow when driving home
when someone tells me they're proud of me and recognizes my accomplishments
the car right after a car wash
the meditative feeling of doing something with your hands
lubing switches and getting into a flow state
driving home through the city and the streetlights illuminate the fog
melancholy car ride music
people engaging with playlists i made for them
when i bake for people and they really enjoy what i made them
the petrichor after the first rain of the fall
people complimenting me on my improvement at dance
sitting in a warm coffee shop on a cold day reading a book surrounded by the buzz of people
feeling the cool sea wind blowing off the ocean sting your cheeks and nose
the feeling of relief after pulling your final deadlift on meet day, for better or worse
the light filtering through the trees in a forest
new dance shoes
the quiet as snow gently blankets the city
fresh snow sticking to my hair and eyelashes
birds chirping first thing in the morning
a single trail of footprints in fresh snow
perfect water pressure in a shower
forehead kisses
the ideal song coming on in the last stretch of your drive
a perfectly toasted bagel
the seat heater in my car on a cold morning
sunshine on my face when i wake up
a gift from a friend that shows thoughtful consideration of you, as a person, and your likes and preferences
a good cup of coffee in the morning
stepping into an air conditioned room after being outside in the heat
new crushes
seeing tangible improvement at something you've been working hard at
feeling a lead immediately raise the difficulty of their move set when dancing with you once they feel your frame
sweaty but satisfied after a night of dance
when someone gives you a compliment that makes you feel seen and acknowledged
the smell of freshly cut wood
social events on the calendar that you're really looking forward to
when someone cancels plans and you get a free night to yourself
getting a tough stain out of clothes
when a friend tries on high quality clothes that fit them perfectly and it changes how they view themselves
when clothes fit perfectly off the rack
getting an item tailored that was sitting in your closet for ages
freshly dry cleaned clothes
picking up my partner from the airport
working in a coffee shop and people watching
the flow state when solving an interesting problem
the feeling of paying off a loan that's been weighing you down for many years
chill night in hanging out with a friend
microwave smores
cuddle puddle with friends
when you follow a new lead and are able to connect with them without being up in your head
sitting at the edge of the pool at a dance festival pool party and vibin
guys in summer wearing linen button button ups with the sleeves rolled up
a cool breeze when high
guys with wavy brown hair
watching people do things they’re really good at
reading a well written design doc
the sound of heels on the floor
long nails clicking on the surface of things
hot showers with good water pressure
the ozone smell of rain in the summer during a thunderstorm
the wind coming off the sea whipping your hair on a boat
fresh silk against my skin
seeing a job offer letter in the top of your email inbox
sharing an intimate moment of connection with a new dance partner at a dance festival
feb 15 2021 ∞
aug 20 2024 +