• Arrays are lists of stored information.
  • *max = highest in array
  • assign a variable
    • chicken = [12,27,47]
    • typer in chicken and it will report back [12,27,48]
  • when ! is there signals that we intend for Ruby to directly modify the same array that we've built, rather than make a brand new copy that is sorted.
  • Exclamation Points. Methods may have exclamation points in their name, which just means to impact the current data, rather than making a copy. No big deal.
  • Square Brackets. With these, you can target and find things. You can even replace them if necessary.
  • Chaining methods lets you get a lot more done in a single command. Break up a poem, reverse it, reassemble it: poem.lines.to_a.reverse.join.
  • Hashes. The little 'dictionary' with the curly braces: {}.
  • Symbols. Tiny, efficiently reusable code words with a colon: :splendid.
  • Blocks. Chunks of code which can be tacked on to many of Ruby's methods. Here's the code you used to build a scorecard: books.values.each { |rate| ratings
    += 1 }.
feb 16 2015 ∞
feb 15 2020 +