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my good friend tia suggested i start a list to counter my strange people list to maintain a balance or something.

  • the girl on the bus who started a conversation with tia and I about how unruly curly hair is that launched into a busride full of laughter about evil children, the younger generation, how much billings sucks and other things.
  • the cool cineplex worker who was eavesdropping on our conversation about which bluth performes what chicken dance. when we couldn't remember lindsay's dance he chimed in with "IT'S CHA-CHEE-CHA-CHEE" which was the best thing ever
  • barista that we lovingly refer to as Simon because he is a carbon copy of simon from misfits and is a little qt pie who makes the best drinks and always eavesdrops on our conversations
  • the elderly man buying a thank you card for his friend who sent him opera tickets(self proclaimed music aficionado) who got into an indepth discussion with me about mc escher and lithographs at work.
  • the old business man who told me about his travels when I inquired about where he bought his crazy cool oversized bright yellow eyeglasses(he prefers round to square frames). FYI: he buys frames from local designers in every city he visits and the particular yellow pair are from rome(lifespiration)
aug 23 2012 ∞
jan 9 2013 +