"Most of the time, most days, I feel nothing. I don't feel anything. It's so boring. I wake up and I think "again, really? I have to do this again?" and I really don't understand how come everybody else isn't screaming with boredom too. I try to find ways to make myself feel something. More, more and more but it doesn't make any difference. No matter what I do I don't feel anything. I hurt myself, doesn't hurt. I buy what I want, I don't want it. I do what I like, I don't like it. I'm just so bored." - Villanelle (Killing Eve, season 2, episode 6)

"I want someone to tell me what wear in the morning. I wnat someone to tell me what wear every morning. I want someone to tell me what to eat, what to like, what to hate, what to rage about, what to listen to, what band to like, what to buy tickets for, what joke about, what not to joke about. I want someone to tell me what to believe in, who to vote for, how to love and how to tell them. I just think I want someone to tell me how to live my life, father, because so far I think I've been getting it wrong. And I know that’s why people want people like you in their lives. Because you just tell them how to do it. You just tell them what to do, and what they’ll get out of the end of it. Even though I don’t believe your bullshit, and I know that scientifically nothing I do makes any difference in the end anyway, I’m still scared! Why am I still scared?! So just tell me what to do. Just fucking tell me what to do, father!" - Fleabag (Fleabag, season 2, episode 4)

"That's why I love reality tv. It's funny, it's dramatic and I can focus on them. It's pure, efortless entertaiment. [...] When reality tv starts to feel like work, like the final season of Mad Men work, you know you're depressed. Like haven't got out of the bed for 24h to pee drepressed. But the absolute worst part of depression it's even tough you know you're depressed, you're unable to stop yourself from getting worst." Rue (Euphoria, season 1, episode 7)

"The other thing about depression is that it kind colapses time. Sudenly, you find your days blending together to create one endless and sufocating loop. So you find yourself trying to remember things that made you happy but slowly your brain begins to erase every memory that ever brouth you joy. And, eventually, all you can think about is how life has always been this way and you only continue to be this way." Rue (Euphoria, season 1, episode 7)

"I don't know what kicks it off. Blood sugar? Chemical? Psychological? Who knows? But it comes, like a monster from an old black and white movie, walking, and doesn't matter how fast you run he keeps up with you. It began on high school. One day, I wanted to stay in bed. [...] I kept employers, family and friends blissfully unaware with excuses, only showing up when I was sure to impress. This was how life became and no one realy knew who I was." - Lexi (Modern Love, season 1, episode 3)

feb 4 2020 ∞
feb 13 2021 +