i am appalled at my utter absentmindedness! i completely forgot to do these lists in i suppose the chaos that ensued post-new years and the short time prior to puerto rico. oh well, better late than never. despite the number ranks, these are all actually equally magical and really contributed to making 2011 the best year of my life.
- working on the farm and all connected things: heirloom vegetables, don and joan, cats, food, freckles, sunburn, sarah, stink bugs, farmers' markets, piglets, peeps, sunflowers, mud.
- mohamed atia.
- not being in college.
- finally coming to terms with the fact that i am really okay despite my utter lack of any form of organization or certainty in life.
- actually feeling for the first time in my entire life that i was doing exactly what i loved and was devoid of any pangs of guilt, uncertainty, or fear.
- PASA/women in ag.
- visits to new jersey and vermont and being relatively carefree.
- quitting CVS.
- putting off school for another year and having that be okay.
- Maya, Taylor, Holly! Same time! dead with happiness.
- mohamed gets into brown! and i am still gloating even though it wasn't my achievement.