• HEY CAN YOU PLAY GUITAR? I CAN'T TELL. WOW, STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN? WOAH I HAVE NEVER HEARD ANYONE PLAY THAT BEFORE..IT SOUNDS HARD. I AM SO IMPRESSED. what's that? you can tune your guitar WITHOUT a tuner? oh my god, i am basically ready to do you RIGHT NOW.
  • oh, what's that? you think you can run a college better than the administration? okay, i think you're right. so why don't you just drop out and stop wasting your parents' money. oh, you didn't realize it costs money to go here? that's okay, you don't need to worry about it anyway.
  • you are so, so rational. you really are so much more wise than anyone i've ever met; it's amazing. we should probably all live like you: buying $80 pants whenever you want and preaching about hands on learning and smoking your weed 24/7 (close2thaearth~~) and speaking so quietly that no one can fucking hear you.
  • WOAH WOAH WOAH THAT NEW PIECE YOU HAVE IS FUCKIN DOPE. How much was it? Oh, $150? From a head shop in BURLINGTON? YOU GO TO BURLINGTON? THAT IS SO FUCKIN COOL MAN. I'd probably spend that kind of money on my pot-smoking hobby, too, but I actually have to go do things with my life rather than waste my parents' money and preach about how much better and stable i am than everyone else.
  • for someone with such simple sentence structure and limited vocabulary in your own writing, you sure are critical of other people's work. be careful of how self-righteous you are in your critiques; most of what you have to say is just as banal as everything else. Oh, and BTW: page-long paragraphs don't make you a better writer, it means you can't fucking organize your thoughts into coherent writing, so wipe that smirk off your face and take your stupid fucking hands off the top of the doorway. I know how tall you are, you don't have to emphasize it by impressing us with your ability to reach the ceiling. this is a freshman writing seminar. get the fuck over yourself.
  • i know you're an incredible paddler and you can live in the wilderness for three months on your own. that's so impressive. woah, what's that? you can throw a bear bag? you can roll a kayak on your own? THAT IS SO COOL. I am obviously incompetent because my parents didn't finance a $30,000 trip to New Zealand and I can't afford all the most expensive EMS equipment. i'll start from the bottom up, thanks.
  • yeah. the little prince is impractical. it's so silly. "well, he had to survive." yes. you are correct. or, oh! maybe you are utterly incompetent and can't comprehend figurative language, symbolism, or anything we learned in seventh grade. that's all right. books are stupid. nature is so much more important than literacy, and it's the only possible art form. if you don't like it, it probably isn't worth anything.
  • you really know how to live a humble life with your vast knowledge of the wilderness and idealistic views. oh, what's that? your blackberry is ringing? yeah, no prob. i'll wait.
nov 1 2010 ∞
apr 28 2011 +