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  • when people use the gym as a social dating club and not a place to work out
  • when people exercise right next to you on a machine even though there is an entire row of empty machines further away
  • when women wear inappropriately skimpy, extra tight, cleavage-bearing clothing
  • when people sweat all over the machines and don't bother to clean up after themselves when they're done
  • when you have your headphones on and it's obvious you don't want to be bothered and people still try to talk to you anyways
  • when you're on a machine next to two loud, chatty people and you can hear them over the music coming out of your headphones
  • when people beside you look over to see what speed you're going/how far you've gone/etc.
  • when guys hit on and insist on ogling EVERY woman that walks by
  • when people don't take into account other people's personal space
  • when the Gym Bunnies come to "work out" with perfect hair and makeup
  • when the January "one month wonders" pack the gym in the 2nd and 3rd week of January but are nowhere to be seen after that
  • when people run fast on the treadmill even though they can't keep up and they have to hold on for dear life
  • when creepy middle-aged men stare at you and try to catch your eye when you're working out
  • when people hog machines or equipment so you can never get to use it
  • when the staff ignores newbies who are using the equipment in bad form and are likely to injure themselves
  • when people sit on and occupy surrounding machines just so they can talk to each other
  • when people like to tell you you're doing your exercise wrong or want to show you the "proper" way to do things
mar 14 2010 ∞
oct 12 2011 +