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  • it's small
  • HOA fee is high
  • kitchen is tiny and badly laid out
  • random strangers ringing our buzzer
  • association took 5 years to fix our condemned balconies
  • can't have a container garden because balcony faces north -- not enough sunshine
  • you can't ever get enough natural light into the place because there is not enough windows
  • not allowed to have hardwood or tile floors (except in bathrooms, kitchen & entry way)
  • everything has to be on a surge protector because of ComEd's electrical issues
  • people who throw their trash at the garbage bin and miss and then no one bothers to pick it up
  • people from neighboring townhomes across the street drop off items like couches, TVs, toilets near our garbage bin and it sits there for a month
  • the asshole who plays his loud first-person shooter game at 1 AM
  • the neighbor who thought it was wise to leave out food on the kitchen counter while she was gone for 3 weeks, her neighbor across the hall called the cops because he thought someone might have died
  • got bedbugs in our place because the people we share a wall with had them, we got rid of them quickly but we were extremely pissed off about this!
oct 26 2009 ∞
apr 3 2012 +