list icon
  • we didn't all vote for Bush, in fact he didn't even win the popular vote in the 2000 election but because of an outdated system called the Electoral College he became president
  • we're not all religious freaks
  • we're not all gun owners and gun obsessed
  • we're not all racist
  • not all of us are ethnocentric and arrogant
  • not all of us are loud and obnoxious
  • not all of us are fat, lazy, and/or stupid
  • not all of us worship reality TV
  • most of us are hard workers and care about the quality of products we make
  • we're not all personally responsible for what our corporations and government did wrong, in fact many of us are pissed at how they've ruined our economy
apr 30 2010 ∞
oct 13 2012 +