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  • parents will love you no matter what
  • that there are a lot of bitter, jealous people out there that can't be happy for anyone's good fortune even if they tried
  • people who hide behind internet usernames spewing hateful remarks are complete cowards when you come face-to-face with them in real life
  • discussing politics or religion with an idiot never ends well
  • watching/reading too much news is bad for my health
  • never, under any circumstances, read the comments at the bottom of a Yahoo! News article
  • I'd rather be too cold than too hot
  • never charge something to a credit card if you can't afford to pay it off at the end of the month
  • large corporations will always choose profit over people
  • if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is
  • I'm happier if I live simple and don't have a lot of things in my life
  • a lot of people mistake kindness for weakness and will try to take advantage of that
  • people in college are much more friendlier and open-minded than people in high school
  • you can't please some people no matter what you do
  • the world is full of beautiful things that most people never bother to observe
  • sleeping on a bed is way better than sleeping on a futon
  • size does matter, but confidence matters much more
  • sometimes you should just spend the money to buy the more expensive cosmetics and hair products
  • saying "No" won't kill you
  • whatever you think will happen, probably won't
  • you’ll learn anything you ever need to know in a library
  • choose your words carefully because you can never take back what you’ve already said
  • never speak bad of something you've never tried, you may surprise yourself and end up liking it
  • never sit in the front row of a movie theater
  • nobody likes a know-it-all
  • beauty has absolutely nothing to do with appearance
  • laughter is indeed the best medicine
  • always respect the passions/hobbies of somebody else even though you may not like it yourself
  • unless you are a doctor, you should never answer your phone, texts, or emails on a date or at the dinner table
  • there is no such thing as a perfect man
  • mean people never end up happy and as they get older it will permanently show on their face
  • never post anything on Facebook you wouldn’t want your parents to see
  • books were meant to be read on paper
  • never buy eyeglasses without a second opinion
  • a sexy tattoo at 18 won’t be the same at 60
  • procrastination is the easiest way to give yourself unneeded stress
  • triangular-cut sandwiches inexplicably taste better than square-cut ones
  • Benjamin Franklin was never a President of the United States
  • never make snide remarks to the police, just keep your mouth shut no matter how rude/stupid they are
  • there may be microwave instructions on food packaging but that doesn't mean that it will taste good if you cook it that way, it's usually best to bake it in the oven
  • sometimes good manners can be used more effectively to piss someone off than swearing at them
  • that A.D. does not stand for "After Death" no matter what your teacher told you
  • if you break something and it was truly an accident, just own up to it
  • always be patient and polite with those who are serving your food
  • people make mistakes, be forgiving
  • people who act like your best friend and adore you 3 seconds after you've met them are to be approached with caution
  • if you're unhappy in a relationship, just end it, be polite and go your separate ways, life's too short for that crap
  • never trust anything that's cute, this includes squirrels, kittens and small children
  • always smile even if you're not in a good mood, it will be a huge determining factor on how strangers/waitresses/salespeople deal with you
  • some people are just assholes and will always be assholes
  • better things aren't always more expensive
  • zombies are notoriously difficult to kill
  • I can still beat everyone playing Mario Kart while drunk
  • cruise control is not meant to take you over steep hills
  • baking soda and white vinegar are good for a ton of things
  • sewing is easy, just remember where your fingers are at all times
  • anyone can learn to cook, Hamburger Helper even has picture directions on it so there is no excuse
  • you don't have to be drunk to have fun
  • you can do something perfect a hundred times and no one will notice but do it wrong once, no one forgets
  • in a company full of intelligent, educated, motivated people, the incompetents will usually be the ones promoted to management
  • when packaging an item for shipment, ensure that the package can withstand at least a 5-foot drop onto a concrete floor without breaking
  • develop a thick skin and a still tongue, nothing makes life more unnecessarily complicated than gossip
  • that I've learned to become a pro at multi-tasking after having a baby
may 14 2010 ∞
jul 18 2012 +