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  • the traffic
  • the exorbitant cost of parking downtown
  • that spring only lasts about 3 weeks
  • that it has become the unofficial pothole capital of the U.S.
  • the guy who stands in front of Old Navy on State Street with the microphone and tells everyone they're going to hell
  • that in a city known for its blues clubs and blues history, there are no blues radio stations
  • people on the EL who leave behind their trash -- coffee cups, water bottles, wrappers, etc. -- when there are trash cans at every exit
  • the numerous red light cameras which always incorrectly snap a picture of you doing nothing wrong
  • the dirty black snow left on the side of the road when the snow melts
  • CTA bus drivers who don't pull their bus over to the curb far enough, thus holding up traffic behind them
  • the sales tax (Chicago charges a 2.25% food tax on basic groceries and an additional 3% soft drink tax, totaling 12.75%. Illinois also requires residents who make purchases online or traveling out-of-state to report those purchases on their state income tax form. So if I'm driving through Indiana and buy a stick of gum at their tax rate, I am a criminal if I do not report this purchase to Illinois and pay a use tax. I hate my state.)
aug 28 2010 ∞
may 3 2012 +