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  • Abortion: Pro-Choice. I strongly believe in a woman's right to choose. However, I think that there are better options out there, like adoption. Personally, I could never have an abortion but I also could never tell another woman what to do with her body and her life.
  • Death Penalty: I'm for it but only for the most severe of crimes, such as serial murder cases where they have proven without a doubt that the offender has committed the crime and they show no remorse or possible rehabilitation.
  • Assisted Suicide: Pro-Choice. We put down pets that are suffering all the time because it is the humane thing to do, yet we leave humans to suffer in pain.
  • Gay Marriage: I see nothing wrong with it. It's their life to live as they choose and they're not hurting anyone, so why should it matter? Same-sex couples should have the same rights as any other "normal" couple.
  • Education: Has unbalanced funding (private vs. public), has few good teachers who truly care and is out of touch with the real world.
  • War: A total waste of time and resources.
  • Drugs: Marijuana should be legalized and taxed.
  • Religion: Should always be kept separate from state and government.
  • Gun Control: Should be regulated but kept legal.
  • Universal Healthcare: Everyone who is a citizen of the U.S. should be entitled to healthcare benefits. We are the only non-third world country that doesn't have this!
  • Corporate Welfare: Capitalism is a flawed economic system that doesn't work and businesses and their CEO's can no longer be trusted to keep our economy in check.
  • Illegal Immigration: It's simple! Deport illegals to face jail time in their home countries and fine businesses huge fees who hire these illegals who are taking jobs away from American citizens.
  • The Environment: Strict regulations should be kept for businesses who often pollute or else face a shutdown.
may 26 2010 ∞
oct 13 2011 +