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Your most marked characteristic? Like all others I'm always changing, yet remaining the same.

What do you most value in your friends? They are people to whom I can talk. In the most literal sense of this phrase.

The quality you most admire in a man? Understanding he is socialized to violence, dominance and subjulgating others, and, uppon this knowing, the hability to try his best not to.

The quality you most admire in a woman? Fight, help her sisters, survive.

What is your principle defect? I'm too demanding, too pessimistic, too eager to hate.

What would you like to be? Stronger and softer.

Where would you like to live? Somewhere I could see trees, somewhere where the rain is frequent and the air is clear. Oh, and near a good library.

Who would you have liked to be? Someone who could help.

What is your favorite color? Grey.

What is your favorite flower? I like the flowers that grow free and pity the ones stuck in glasses of water. I also pity the flowers lovers give to each other, faded to die. I also like pressed flowers inside books, yet I feel they are only that beautiful because they are dead.

What is your favorite bird? I like the singing ones. And I also like gazing at the ducks in the park. They make me feel well.

Who are your favorite prose writers? Albert Camus is my favorite. I like Simone as well.

Who are your favorite poets? I'm not that much into poetry.

Your favorite painter? Toulouse-Lautrec. And René Magritte.

Your favorite composer? Franz Liszt.

Who are your heroes in real life? I'm not into the idea of 'heros' but I look up to Bakunin, maybe.

Who are your favorite heroes of fiction? As in protagonists, I'll go with Holden Caulfield.

Who are your favorite heroines of fiction? As in protagonists (2, the ones in Simone de Beauvoir and Julia Kristeva's pieces.

Who are your favorite heroines in real life? Woman, in general, but especially my mother.

What are your favorite names? I may soon make a list on that matter and link it here.

What is it you most dislike? Dull conversation and crappy narrative.

What historical figures do you most despise? Maybe Lênin, and also Mussolini, Salazar, Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tze Tung, many of the US presidents, the military that rule my country and killed the opositors. The list may go on forever.

What natural gift would you most like to possess? I wish I was good with words.

How would you like to die? With my heart open and no regrets.

What is your present state of mind? I'm bored. And a bit annoyed.

What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Be incapable of connecting,sharing and listening to others.

What is your idea of earthly happiness? One able to accept that knowlegde is limitated and oneself's insignificance, enjoying what is beautiful about the world without having to understand it to, 'cause there's nothing to understand, and that's ok.

Your favorite occupation? Writing, researching, reading.

What is your motto? Change is the only constant.

nov 29 2015 ∞
feb 25 2016 +