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<A quick look on historic events I've hitnessed in my life time. Since I'm only listing things I was aware at the time, I will list the events prior to 2011, because after that I started paying more attention and it will be longer and worth another list or more... So, this list starts when I'm 6 years old, in 9/11, and ends when I'm 15, in 2010, when Dilma, former guerrillera and former political prisioner was elected the first woman president in Brazil. >


  • September,2001 , I'm watching Dragon Ball on TV, alone at home waiting for the time to go to school. A plane crashes into a building. 6 year old me thinks is a very weird movie, then realizes it is on all the channels, so it's real. I call my mom to warn her and ask what's happening. Another plane follows.


  • 2002, Elections, 8 year old me could not vote, but could ride a bike to put the workers party propaganda in all the mail boxes. Lula, a metalworker and union leader from the poorest part of Brazil is elected president. My family is dressed in red.
  • 2002, Brazil wins the World Cup. All the boys have Ronaldo's haircut.


  • March,2003, Iraq war starts. They say it is because of 11/9, but at home people say it's because of oil.


  • 2005,A Corruption Scandal hits the Worker's Party, and also hits Lula. Everyone in the left is afraid he's not gonna be reelected.
  • 2005's Disarmament Statute Referendum, a confusing event. The referendum was to decide if an article prohibiting the sale of firearms and ammunition would be included in the disarmament statute. My family had divided opinions, and the article did not pass.


  • May, 2006, I'm on a friend's little rural property out of the city, watching the Catwoman movie. In an event related to an organized crime (PCC) violence outbreak targeting the security forces starts in my state. It totalizes 299 attacks, reaching other states where there was the presence of PCC. One of the civilian casualties lived in my neighborhood, and was killed there.
  • August,2006,Two reporters of the major media company in brazil were kidnnaped by the PCC, and the kidnnapers ordered the company to veiculate a video in exchange of the release. The video asked for better conditions in the prisional system, and defied: we will do may 14th again.
  • 2006's Elections Lula is reelected with 60,83% of the votes in the second turn.
  • December,2006 Saddam Hussein is killed, in an awful way, and shocking images of him hanging while people insulted him are on the TV. They say it's an execution, but I remember thinking seemed like murder.


  • June,2007 The military police, civil police and national force occupy the Complexo do Alemão favela in an opperation against 'drug dealers', using tanks. There were executions and the number of dead was never really given. I remember the videos, the tanks. Later we found out that children were killed, and at least 11 of the dead had nothing to do with drug dealing.


  • 2008, Primary Election Campaign in the U.S, Obama, the first black president, or Hillary, the first woman? I didn't understand the U.S system at the time, but I kinda liked Hillary because of the health care policy I saw in Sicko, by Michael Moore. (I was a huge Michael Moore fan in 6th/7th/8th grade...)
  • November,2008, Barack Obama is the first black president in the US. Great speech.


  • 2010, Elections Dilma Rousseff is Lula's successor. There's also Plínio, who standed by the left of Dilma, from a smaller party I discovered that year and today support. Dilma had a project I liked for the oil in the region I was born, and she had my support.
  • Dilma Rousseff, former guerrilera and former political prisioner is the first woman elected president in Brazil.
jan 22 2017 ∞
may 6 2017 +