• New nook e-reader that I'm making very good use out of already.
  • Something I've been worrying over for a long time is going much more smoothly than I could have hoped even
  • I got the most expensive haircut of my life, but it was worth every penny. I'm very glad to be a redhead again, and feeling pleasantly spoiled
  • As silly as it is, I'm really enjoying Pottermore, and the wealth of information it supplies. It's nice to know I'm a Ravenclaw.
  • experiencing the strangest, most surreal things all in one day and without any chemical influence
  • hula-hooping for hours on end, dancing like a madwoman
  • being contacted by people I have spoken to in ages, and the encouragement they offered
  • seeing some far-away friends after I thinking I wouldn't, strolling through the art museum, talking mostly of books, and watching pointless youtube videos for hours.
sep 9 2011 ∞
oct 2 2011 +