
  • Wands: Action, plans, inspiration, and willpower; at worst recklessness and lack of direction. Associated with Fire (Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo)
  • Coins: Material, money, security, stability, and prosperity; at worst it's greed, jealousy, and unbridled ambition. Associated with Earth (Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn).
  • Cups: Emotions, relationships, intuition and creativity; at worst lack of control, fantasy, and disconnect with oneself. Associated with Water (Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer).
  • Swords: Mental, logic, ideas, words and communication; at worst it's abusive, harsh, and lacks empathy. Associated with Air (Libra, Aquarius and Gemini).


    • Ace to Ten ▸ Journey.
  • 01. Ace: New beginnings, new opportunities, potential and momentum of a new journey that may overwhelm you if you're not careful.
  • 02. Two: Coming together, union, building, and all the complexities it represents. Harmony, and a merging of opposite forces, sometimes require you to make a choice.
  • 03. Three: Group dynamics, the coming together of a group of individuals, or a group of ideas, etc. Also means growth and the completion of a first phase.
  • 04. Four: Foundations (being created or already ready), and the universe's way of pushing us to move forward.
  • 05. Five: Change, movement and conflict. The four push us forward, the five ask us to wonder why we're moving forward.
  • 06. Six: After the conflict of the five, the six is moving away from it - by overcoming or letting go. The light after dark.
  • 07. Seven: Step back, introspect and reevaluate. Assess whether the path that you are taking is what is best for you.
  • 08. Eight: The completion of a second phase that leads to some sort of achievement, whether in the material or in the emotional sense. Growth and sometimes change is indicated here.
  • 09. Nine: Nearing completion of the journey, the last push before the end. What looks like the finish line, may actually be just a transitory stage.
  • 10. Ten: The end of the journey, the completion of a full circle. From this point, we can only move towards a new beginning.


  • Page: They are filled with curiosity — eager to learn and explore. They want to take everything in. Associated with Earth.
  • Knight: Filled with passion, always itching for something to do, they are often very eager to prove themselves to the world. This sometimes makes them rather impatient. Associated with Fire.
  • Queen: Their deep knowledge is turned inward; their approach in life is to quietly express their suit and inspire others through their unwavering commitment to their own evolution. Associated with Water.
  • King: The kings are level-headed and intellectual. They approach things with clarity of mind. They must be strategic in order to make sure their vision comes to life, and are great communicators. Associated with Air.
jan 26 2023 ∞
jan 27 2023 +