- 111,111,111x111,111,111= 12,345,678,987,654,321.
- 2nd Street is the most common street name in the United States; First Street is the 6th common.
- A baby caribou can outrun its mother at 3 days old.
- A dog's average body temperature is 101 degrees Fahrenheit.
- A full-grown tree produces enough oxygen to support a family of four.
- A male cricket's ear is located on the tibia of its leg.
- A manned rocket can reach the moon in less time than it took a stagecoach to travel the length of England.
- A strawberry is not an actual berry but a banana is.
- A tankless water heater uses half the energy of a standard model.
- All scorpions glow.
- An average of three billion cups of tea are consumed daily, worldwide.
- An egg that is fresh will sink in water, but a stale one won't.
- Antarctica is the only continent with no owls.
- Cats have 2 sets of vocal cords: one for purring and one for meowing.
- Children grow faster during springtime.
- Clearwater, Florida has the highest rate of lightning strikes per capita in the U.S.
- Cleveland, OH is home to the first electric traffic lights.
- Every hour more than one billion cells in the body must be replaced.
- Every state except Maine, Alaska, and Hawaii is home to at least one species of venomous snake.
- Every ton of recycled paper saves about 17 trees.
- Franklin Roosevelt was related to 5 U.S. Presidents by blood and 6 by marriage.
- Harry S Truman's middle name is S.
- Hawaii is moving toward Japan at the rate of almost 4 inches per year.
- Honeybees have hair on their eyes.
- Hybrid cars produce 75% less pollution than other vehicles.
- If a sheep and a goat mate the offspring is called a geep.
- If you shake a can of mixed nuts, the larger nuts will rise to the top.
- In Ancient Greece throwing an apple to a woman was considered a marriage proposal.
- In Germany, the shhh sound means hurry up.
- In some cultures' telling of Snow White, the Dwarfs are thieves.
- In the average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of 5 times around the equator.
- It is not possible to tickle yourself.
- It takes an interaction of 72 muscles to produce human speech.
- Jack-O-Lanterns were originally made out of turnips.
- Like fingerprints, everyone's tontue print is different.
- Male moose shed their antlers every winter and grow a new pair the next year.
- More babies are born at night than during the day.
- More Siberian tigers live in zoos than in the wild.
- More turkeys are raised in California than in any other state in the United States.
- Most elephants weigh less than the tongue of a blue whale.
- Most lipstick contains fish scales.
- Mountain goats aren't actually goats. They are antelopes.
- New Jersey is home to the world's first drive-in movie theater.
- On average, a laptop uses half as much energy as a desktop computer.
- On average, a strawberry has 200 seeds on it.
- One lump of sugar is equivalent to three feet of sugar cane.
- Only female mosquitoes bite.
- Over half of the world's geysers are found in Yellowstone National Park.
- Penguins can jump 6 feet.
- People don't sneeze when they are asleep because the nerves involved in the sneeze reflex are also resting.
- Polar bears can smell a seal from 20 miles away.
- President William Taft weighed over 300 lbs and once got stuck in the White House bathtub.
- Recycled paper is made using 40% less energy than non-recycled paper.
- Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.
- Sailors once thought wearing gold earrings improved eyesight.
- Snails have teeth.
- Some violins contain 70 seperate pieces of wood.
- South Carolina is home to the first tea farm in the U.S.
- Spiny lobsters migrate in groups of 50 or more, forming a conga line on the ocean floor.
- The average bar of soap lasts twice as long as a bottle of body wash.
- The average cat can jump five times as high as its tail is long.
- The average housefly lives for one month.
- The average person takes 23,000 breaths a day.
- The dots on a domino are called pips.
- The hippopotamus has the capability to remain underwater for as long as five minutes.
- The human brain takes up 2% of the human body weight but uses 20% of its energy.
- The jaguar, the largest cat in the Western Hemisphere, once lived all over the southern U.S.
- The mango is the most-consumed fruit in the world.
- The most popular ice cream flavor is vanilla.
- The most widely-eaten fruit in America is the banana.
- The number "1" or word "One" appears on the dollar bill 16 times.
- The number sign # is called an octothorpe.
- The official color of California's Golden Gate Bride is International Orange.
- The Saturn V moon rocket consumed 15 tons of fuel per second.
- The scientific term for a sneezing is sternutation.
- The spotted skunk does a handstand to warn its enemies before spraying its stench.
- The White House was originally called the President's Palace. It became the White House in 1901.
- The world's largest silver nugget (1840 lbs) was found in 1894 near Aspen, CO.
- There are approximately 7,000 feathers on an eagle.
- There are more chickens than people in the world.
- There are over 2,000 different species of cactuses.
- There is a museum of strawberries in Belgium.
- Unlike a normal housecat, the Siberian tiger loves to swim.
- Vultures can fly for six hours without flapping their wings.
- With an average life expectancy of 81.2 years, the people of Okinawa, Japan live the longest.
- Your big toe only has 2 bones and the rest have 3.
sep 9 2010 ∞
jan 31 2012 +